We African People have formidable obstacles to overcome. Our beloved African Nation remains under siege. Lack of unity, inadequate and corrupt leadership, low levels of political consciousness and awareness, global poverty, worldwide lack of organization, and other crippling conditions continue to impede our march toward liberation. While some may lament or cower before such daunting circumstances, these are the times when Africa’s most proud and dedicated sons and daughters have shined the brightest. Among those who have shown some of the greatest strength and conviction in staying loyal to our People’s liberation struggle has been the African revolutionary intelligentsia, particularly college students.


Text Box: African Students Challenge Apartheid During Soweto Uprising



Why the need for Revolutionary Students / for a revolutionary Intelligentsia?


Students, in any society, fulfill the same fundamental purpose: they spread the values and interests of the ruling class and they determine the objectives and purposes for a society’s institutions. They are the main segment of the population who study, critique, debate, and ultimately transmit the ideas which dominate within a society. The general political attitudes prevailing in a society are in large part shaped by students, the intelligentsia. The potential for revolutionary progress in a society with an enlightened, revolutionary committed intelligentsia is limitless – Revolutionary Cuba exemplifies this fact!


There is much to be proud of within Africa’s long and powerful history. Unfortunately, the track record and behavior of the African intelligentsia has been, more than anything else, a source of shame rather than pride. The exemplary examples above notwithstanding, our students have mainly sought comfort and a lifestyle of ease in the midst of our People’s pain and untold suffering. We know however, that many of our students do in fact want to help change our conditions. There are indeed many among our intelligentsia who are disgusted and outraged by the misery and oppression faced by our People worldwide. Here lays one of our greatest challenges: making the difficult, yet necessary leap from being a sympathetic observer to becoming a dedicated organizer. Those students who genuinely care about their People’s well-being must make the transition from concern and empathy, to service and commitment. Making this transition becomes more attainable when we truly understand that no worthwhile progress or strides can be made if we are not willing to sacrifice and reorder our lives in order to meet the rigorous demands required for liberation. Even those students who deeply care about Africa’s dilemma, more often than not, lack the understanding that ours is a lifelong struggle; one which cannot be solved by periodic bursts of verbal or emotional attacks against the enemy, but solved only through disciplined, permanent organization. These students must know that there is no ideal time when conditions will be just right in order to begin organizing for our People’s freedom. The time for freedom will always be NOW! The enemy trains us to believe all other commitments we have must come before addressing the needs of our own People. While we indeed have many responsibilities we must attend to - our academic studies must be completed, we must seek employment, we must fulfill our obligations to our families, etc…, we must not view our personal responsibilities and our political commitment to our People’s struggle in an ‘either-or’ manner. Our beloved and courageous ancestors, while plotting for liberation and burning plantations at night, never ceased chopping sugar cane or picking cotton during the day. It was understood that come what may, the work for liberation must push forward.











Text Box: African Students of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee Defend African Community against Racist Police





The All-African People’s Revolutionary Party has been organizing the processes and institutions to help solve our most pressing need within this current phase of the African Revolution: transforming African students into revolutionary organizers for African Liberation. Our People can only be free when they are politically educated and organized. Students and the broader intelligentsia must fulfill this historically determined role. We encourage all you students who genuinely care about Mother Africa, and her scattered and suffering children throughout the world, to join us in this indispensable task of furnishing the African Revolution with a dedicated and selfless cadre of revolutionary intelligentsia.                     

“Let Africa be our guiding star, our star of destiny  -Marcus Garvey       


Discussion Questions

1] What obstacles does micro-nationalism pose for the political and cultural unification of Africa and African People?

2] How is a People’s identity linked to the knowledge of their history?

3] Why must our People assume an African identity rooted in revolutionary ideology rather than an African identity based merely on blood ancestry or place of birth?

4] Discuss the significance of Africa being our land base / land of origin and the center of our civilization. How does this relate to the Primacy of Africa?

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Suggested Further Readings

  1. The Struggle Continues by Kwame Nkrumah
  2. Consciencism: Philosophy and Ideology for Decolonization by Kwame Nkrumah
  3. Handbok of Revolutionary Warfare by Kwame Nkrumah
  4. Africa on The Move by Sekou Toure
  5. The World & Africa by W.E.B. Dubois
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