More so than any other reason, U.S. - led collective imperialism dominates Africa and her scattered, suffering, but struggling masses because the enemy maintains ideological domination over our People. This domination lies in the enemy’s control over our thinking. From classrooms, movies, and billboard advertisements, to music videos, newspapers, and even the church, our People have come to adopt capitalism’s concept of what “the good life” is. "Only the strong survive", "it's a dog eat dog world", “you do you, I gotta do me”, "I'll do anything for money" - individualism, elitism, egotism, and living to "get over" are all examples of capitalist bourgeois ideology. This ideological power the capitalist system possesses has immeasurably corrupted our thinking and has made us lose the power to define our very lives.  


Only an organized and politically conscious People can be free! The mighty Steve Biko once said that “the most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed.” Our People are largely unconscious of the ideological tug-of-war raging inside us – a war between the enemy’s ideology and that of our own People’s Class ideology. These competing and conflicting ideas and beliefs inside us result in a condition of political schizophrenia – demonstrated by the combination of productive and constructive relations along with harmful and destructive relations we see exhibited among our People. Our task as students - as the new emerging revolutionary intelligentsia, is to help our masses become conscious of the ideology which is motivating and directing our thoughts and actions. Our masses must consciously identify and reject capitalist, anti-human ideology, and consciously identify and embrace humanist, African-rooted, revolutionary ideology. Ideology is the critical battleground in any serious study of the struggle between the oppressor and the oppressed. More than military might, and even more than economic wealth, ideological power is the decisive factor in determining how human beings live and how societies are organized. Until we take ideological power into our own hands, we will remain a poor, scattered, suffering, and always oppressed People.


Today as a People, our greatest danger is political ignorance and ideological confusion. We have no collective understanding of the forces which affect, control, or determine the destiny of our lives. We have no collective understanding as to what our enemy is and what our solution must be. Bottom line – we lack unity of thought; we lack ideological power.  Our only solution is a worldwide, systematic, organized process of constant ideological training – arming our People with indisputable facts, scientific methods of analysis, and revolutionary ethics. This ideological training process is not simply an intellectual exercise. It links ideological education and revolutionary action. It is a process of active transformation – geared to develop each of us into selfless, dedicated organizers for the redemption of our beloved Homeland, Mother Africa, and for our People’s struggle for dignity, integrity, happiness, and liberation. This transformation requires us to achieve a revolutionary consciousness. We acquire this consciousness only through participating in constant political education within a process to build a permanent, revolutionary organization.


Our People will not control the ache of hunger, will not control how our children are educated, will not rid our communities of drugs, corrupt “leaders”, or poor housing, or control any other aspect of our lives until we master the decisive factor of mass political consciousness ushering in mass revolutionary organization. HENCE THE NEED FOR AN AFRICAN REVOLUTIONARY IDEOLOGY!





Kwame Ture explained to us that Africa has all the material conditions to lead to a stable, continent-wide political system; what is lacking is the ideological force.” Nkrumahism-Tureism is the all-encompassing system of revolutionary political and philosophical beliefs of the African People’s class. This system of revolutionary ideas is scientifically derived from African history and culture and seeks to unite and guide the laborious oppressed African masses and broader African society to the objective- Pan-Africanism: The Total Liberation and Unification of Africa under Scientific Socialism. It holds the humanist, collectivist values of traditional Africa as its determining foundation and incorporates the positive influences from the Islamic and Euro-Christian experiences to form a new, scientific, revolutionary ideology as well as a strong   and liberated African society. Sisters,   brothers - we invite you to participate in the A-APRP’s serious and inspiring political education process.         Forward To Victory!



Discussion Questions

1] What obstacles does micro-nationalism pose for the political and cultural unification of Africa and African People?

2] How is a People’s identity linked to the knowledge of their history?

3] Why must our People assume an African identity rooted in revolutionary ideology rather than an African identity based merely on blood ancestry or place of birth?

4] Discuss the significance of Africa being our land base / land of origin and the center of our civilization. How does this relate to the Primacy of Africa?

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Suggested Further Readings

  1. The Struggle Continues by Kwame Nkrumah
  2. Consciencism: Philosophy and Ideology for Decolonization by Kwame Nkrumah
  3. Handbok of Revolutionary Warfare by Kwame Nkrumah
  4. Africa on The Move by Sekou Toure
  5. The World & Africa by W.E.B. Dubois
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