The All-African People’s Revolutionary Party [A-APRP] is a mass, Pan-Africanist, revolutionary party based in Africa, the just Homeland of African People worldwide. The A-APRP is an integral part of the Pan-African and world socialist revolutions. The A-APRP understands that “All people of African descent, whether they live in North or South America, the Caribbean, or any other part of the world, are Africans and belong to the African Nation.” The objective of the A-APRP is Pan-Africanism: the total liberation and unification of Africa under scientific socialism. The A-APRP fights uncompromisingly for the inevitable destruction of capitalism, imperialism, settler-colonialism, racism, sexism, zionism, and neocolonialism. The A-APRP is a product of the Pan-African movement’s struggle for ideological clarity, a scientifically precise objective, mass, pan-African, revolutionary organization and a systematic process to ideologically train cadres faithful to the African revolution. Cadres are the women and men who tirelessly work for solutions to our People’s problems.



The redemption of Mother Africa lies through one path only: organization and possession of power held in the hands of the African masses – that is, the common African woman and the common African man – be they student, farm worker, factory employee, or homemaker. The power spoken of here results solely from our People’s participation in, and building of, mass political parties.


The African Revolution is reaching maturation! Having smashed slavery and crushed colonialism, our People’s final conflict is against capitalism’s last and most insidious phase - neocolonialism. Our fight against colonialism was directed against a clear external enemy. Therefore we were able to marshal all our national forces into one whole, regardless of hostile class interests, in order to achieve the common goal of ousting the colonizer. Colonialism now destroyed, the once suppressed class antagonisms re-surface, causing schisms and an all-out power struggle to establish a society where either the masses or a tiny elite hold power. This current phase is called neocolonialism and is defined by a pronounced internal class struggle. The colonialist phase, characterized by the struggle of ‘black vs. white’ is replaced by the higher neocolonialist phase, which pits the African People’s class against the Anti-People’s class. The African People’s class can successfully wage their fight only using the mass political party as their instrument.


We are building a mass party. The People’s class is our social base. The People’s class consists of the workers, peasants and the revolutionary intelligentsia [particularly students]. The working masses live off only the products of their own labor. Conversely, the Anti-People’s class consists of the exploitive, oppressive African puppets in the government, army, police, schools and other key institutions. In the African class struggle under neocolonialism, the People’s class must build mass parties in order to struggle against the Anti-people’s class and their imperialist masters for a new way life and dignity – a way of life in which the African masses wield political power and have economic equity under socialism versus a way of life defined by the misery and insecurity which we now suffer under capitalist neocolonialism.


Building the A-APRP: The Decisive Power of Ideology

The A-APRP, as a political party in general, and as a mass, Pan-Africanist, revolutionary party in particular, is defined by one monolithic ideology - Nkrumahism-Tureism. Nkrumahism-Tureism is the all-encompassing system of revolutionary political beliefs of the People’s class of the African Nation. This system of revolutionary ideas is scientifically derived from African history and culture. This political belief system, based on uncompromising principles, defines and directs a system of organization with institutions that seek to unite and guide the laborious, oppressed African masses and the broader African society to the objective: Pan-Africanism and ultimately World Socialism. Pan-Africanism will be achieved by ideologically transforming the People’s class into a political army of faithful cadres.





To date, our People’s struggle against the forces of oppression, and for liberation and dignity, has been dominantly spontaneous, issue-driven, and ebbs and flows based on the external actions of our enemies. Struggle waged in this manner, regardless how valiant or well-intentioned, can at best, merely alter conditions here and there, but lacks the power to transform oppression to liberation. This is the case because spontaneous struggle does not anchor the People solidly within the bedrock of revolutionary ideology. A People who are not in control of ideological power – that is, the ability to independently control their own thinking – lack the power to fundamentally break the grip of the enemy’s hold over them. The All-African People’s Revolutionary Party is working to solve this fatal problem by establishing an institutionalized ideological training process throughout the African world. Such a process is our only hope to break imperialism’s grip over our masses’ thinking, propelling us forward to permanent victory. Like other revolutionary parties, the A-APRP works for the organization of a given class – the People’s class of the African Nation. It doesn’t merely address the immediacy of present circumstances, but has a broad, overall strategic outlook, based on a global conception of African society and the world. The A-APRP also aims to achieve the maximum objective – power within society – culminating in One, Unified, Socialist Africa. The A-APRP also fulfills the other requirements of a revolutionary party:

-Establish power at the level of the People through an effective mass line in all sectors - A popular and 

  revolutionary political party must seek power among the broad masses of the People

-Institutionalize an ideological training process leading toward the scientific mastery of all activities by the


-Develop the ability to foresee and prepare the successive phases of social change - A party does not react

  spontaneously to events

-Being at the forefront of the People’s struggle – progressively eliminating internal and external obstacles


It is ideology which gives a party its impregnable armor as well as serves as its most potent weapon. Africans, steeled and fortified by the immense power of constant political education and ideological training, become transformed into a body of highly dedicated political fighters – representing the best expression of the new and vibrant Revolutionary African Personality.


We are building a Pan-Africanist party. Africans are one people with one history, culture and destiny. Despite the generations of oppression, exploitation, and blood-drain, Africa still contains nearly 1 billion Africans and remains the resource-base of the capitalist world. Organizing the victorious socialist revolution in Africa will not only bring the capitalist exploiters to their knees but even more importantly reestablish Africa and Africans on a powerful, respected footing with all Peoples. Though we struggle for African liberation globally, Africa is the core - the decisive front. The energies of the more than 1 billion Africans worldwide must be organized to achieve the revolutionary transformation of our Homeland.


 We are building a revolutionary party. The revolutionary party enables the People’s class to seize ideological and political power. The working masses gain conscious control of their ideological development and organize mass participatory democracy to conceive and express their will. The revolutionary party provides the ideological and political contents for all institutions and charts the overall political direction of society. Thus, the revolutionary party is the leading force and the primary institution in the mass civilization we are building.



Discussion Questions

1] What obstacles does micro-nationalism pose for the political and cultural unification of Africa and African People?

2] How is a People’s identity linked to the knowledge of their history?

3] Why must our People assume an African identity rooted in revolutionary ideology rather than an African identity based merely on blood ancestry or place of birth?

4] Discuss the significance of Africa being our land base / land of origin and the center of our civilization. How does this relate to the Primacy of Africa?

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Suggested Further Readings

  1. The Struggle Continues by Kwame Nkrumah
  2. Consciencism: Philosophy and Ideology for Decolonization by Kwame Nkrumah
  3. Handbok of Revolutionary Warfare by Kwame Nkrumah
  4. Africa on The Move by Sekou Toure
  5. The World & Africa by W.E.B. Dubois
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