Transforming African Students Into Revolutionary Organizers for African Liberation






“These lands are ours; no one has the right to remove us, because we were the first owners. The Great Spirit above has appointed the place for us on which to light our fires; and here we will remain.”  --Tecumseh
-Kwame Ture












It is the right of all people on earth to control their own destiny no matter what nation they belong to. Since the dawn of imperialism in the west, the Indigenous People have been fighting for what is culturally and historically theirs, the Western Hemisphere. Capitalists have been trying to spread the myth that the Indigenous Americans were savages before the coming of the Europeans and that it was the Europeans who civilized them. Also, the corrupt Capitalist would have us to believe that today the Indigenous Peoples of the Western Hemisphere have surrendered all claims to their birthrights. THESE ARE VICIOUS LIES.


Before the Europeans entered the Western Hemisphere, 120 million Native Americans occupied the lands. They lived under a communalistic system, in that the land belonged to everyone. They also built highly civilized states and empires. Europeans eager to claim the land exterminated many of the Indians through acts of war, mass murders, and disease spreading of smallpox and malaria.

War chief Sitting Bull—symbol of undying resistance





History seen through the eyes of the oppressor and the oppressed is opposite. Conscious Africans know the lost Columbus and his convict crew massacred thousands and sold hundreds of Indigenous People of the Western Hemisphere into slavery in Europe. Following his path, other invaders imposed illegal, immoral European settler colonies throughout the western hemisphere on a foundation of Indian genocide and African slavery.


Thus, for Africans, the year 2006 marks 514 years of courageous resistance by our comrades-in-arms, the Indigenous People. During slavery, the Original People sacrificed their blood to provide haven and equality to Africans seeking freedom. Our alliance is bonded in blood. Though attacked and hunted, isolated and undermined, these proud women and men defended their way of life: love of Mother Earth, collective responsibility of communal living, respect for the elders, rich languages and art, and sacred spiritual culture with humane values.



The war of imperialism on the Indigenous People has not ceased. In Central and South America, the people are being bombed, dynamited, and attacked with machine guns. In North America, they are being murdered and sterilized with the help of the FBI. Capitalists want to destroy the Native Americans simply because of their desire to control the land and its resources(gold, silver, uranium) for their own personal use. This is the reason why the Indigenous Peoples of the Western Hemisphere, like Africans the world over, are suffering from nation and class exploitation.


But the struggle continues and is intensifying. The history of the Indigenous People’s of the Western Hemisphere reflects an unbroken struggle for justice. From Argentina to Canada, the Indians struggle for progressive causes-such as worker’s and women’s rights, environmental protection, health care, democracy and social transformation. And from the Black Hills to Big Mountain, Guatemala to Peru, the 80 million Indigenous People are organizing and struggling to recover their land, sovereignty, and freedom of political, cultural and religious expression. This struggle is reaching higher levels of organization reflected in the work of the United Front for the Liberation of the Indigenous Peoples of the Western Hemisphere. To support this just struggle, all defenders of truth must honor our blood allies.


“Let Africa be our guiding star, our star of destiny  -Marcus Garvey       


Discussion Questions

1] What obstacles does micro-nationalism pose for the political and cultural unification of Africa and African People?

2] How is a People’s identity linked to the knowledge of their history?

3] Why must our People assume an African identity rooted in revolutionary ideology rather than an African identity based merely on blood ancestry or place of birth?

4] Discuss the significance of Africa being our land base / land of origin and the center of our civilization. How does this relate to the Primacy of Africa?

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Suggested Further Readings

  1. The Struggle Continues by Kwame Nkrumah
  2. Consciencism: Philosophy and Ideology for Decolonization by Kwame Nkrumah
  3. Handbok of Revolutionary Warfare by Kwame Nkrumah
  4. Africa on The Move by Sekou Toure
  5. The World & Africa by W.E.B. Dubois
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