AA Institute's mission logo - click to enlarge
AA Institute of Space Science & Technology

Statement of Compliance with UKRA Rules

At a time when risks from international terrorism run at an all time high, AAI will conduct all its peaceful, scientific studies into rocketry in a sensitive and responsible manner with paramount consideration for public safety. In doing so, it will ensure strict compliance at all times with rules and guidelines stipulated by the UKRA.

AAI regrets that in the interests of keeping sensitive information from falling into the "wrong hands", specific details relating to launch sites, launch timings, propellant supply sources, propulsion methods, etc. will not be readily disclosed or published on this site.

Aside from these formalities, I invite people to stay interested in my Rocketry & Aerospace program!

An artist's concept of a de-militarised US Army micro-missile launched by the AA Institute towards the 'high frontier' [Image: AAI]

An artist's concept of a de-militarised US Army micro-missile launched by the AA Institute towards the "high frontier" [Image: AAI]

The "Rocketry & Aerospace" program is an aspirational initiative of the AA Institute of Space Science & Technology

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