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SPACE SYSTEMS, INC - A Division of the AA Institute


Ascent 2 launch countdown: terminated due to weather delays.

Click here to see pre-launch weather forecasts from the Met Office

AA Institute acquires new recoverable launch vehicles

As recently announced, Space Systems Inc, the specialist division which manages the "Rocketry and Aerospace" program on behalf of the AA Institute, has acquired two ballistic micro-missiles for launching extended, fully recoverable missions.

This acquisition marks the next phase in advancing AAI's rocketry and aerospace capabilities. The two rockets (see images below) are modelled on those originally used by the US Air Force for "surface to surface" and "ship to air" military combat operations. However, visitors to this website can be fully assured, AAI has no plans to be using these missiles for any military applications! The Institute's core mission is to promote the peaceful, non-military exploration and development of space for future generations of humanity.
Flag of Space Systems, Inc fluttering against the blue April sky backdrop [Copyright: AAI]

The two "missiles" just acquired are currently undergoing re-fit to modify them to sub-orbital "launch vehicles" which will test fly new propulsion and deployment technologies as part of the AA Institute's fully recoverable aerospace launch program.

If all goes well, the two rockets will each successively launch AAI missions Ascent-2 and Ascent-3 in the continuing program of un-piloted launches in the coming weeks and months.

The specific mission objectives will be to:-

These forthcoming missions will be carefully planned and executed to ensure AAI secures the fullest possible "low cost yet high impact" value from its funds-draining Rocketry & Aerospace program. A fully funded, vibrant and advancing aerospace program certainly does not come cheap or without significant human effort and risks attached to its successful execution.

Prior to each main mission launch, a low cost, fully expendable launch vehicle will be sent up on a test-flight "scout" mission basis to as much as 300 feet ground altitude to evaluate the wind speed and direction in the (100x100x100) cubic metre airspace immediately above the launch site. This information will then assist the AAI ground crew in deciding the optimum ascent vectors and trajectory angle for launch in order to counter any turbulence and indeed whether the conditions are within favourable limits for the planned launch of the main mission to go ahead.

Descent vectors and actual landing points, with reference to the "target ellipse", will be largely affected by atmospheric conditions at the time of flight. The choice of launch site will therefore incorporate a wide margin of allowance for indeterminate atmospheric errors in landing.

The "Rocketry & Aerospace" program is an aspirational initiative of the AA Institute of Space Science & Technology

A marketing image of the two surface-to-surface
and ship-to-air missiles prior to AAI re-fit
[Credit: US Air Force/DSR supplies]

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