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Work Information

 Dr. Ashraf Abdel-monem Mohamed Hossien

Lecture at  Faculty of Education, Department of Methodology and Teaching, Assiut University, Egypt.




*Teaching Educational technology

*Teaching Curricula 

*Methodology of Science 

*Using Computers on Teaching

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Contact Information

[email protected]


Send any mail letters to:

Dr. Ashraf Abdel-monem Mohamed Hossien , Department of Methodology and Teaching, Faculty of Education, Assiut Universitry, Egypt

Web address: www.geocities.com/a_mon20

Office phone: 088/3368455, 088/36899

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Current Projects

First projectDescription: study for a Master degree

The Evaluation of Science Syllabuses in the Preparatory Stage in the Light of the Requirements of Scientific Literacy.

1999.faculty of education, Assiut University.

Objectives of the Study:

The present study aimed at evaluating the prep stage science syllabuses to identify the extent to which they contain the requirements and dimensions of scientific literacy and also to identify the extent to which prep school students have attained the proper level of scientific literacy after studying these syllabuses.

Study Results:

The results of the present study indicated that there are shortcomings in the prep stage science syllabuses. These shortcomings can be summed up as follows:

  • Prep stage science syllabuses lack many of the requirements of scientific literacy needed by students.
  • Prep stage science syllabuses do not contain many of the dimensions of scientific literacy.
  • The dimensions that are actually present in the three syllabuses are randomly distributed without any prior organization.
  • The students of this stage did not achieve the required level of scientific literacy in all the three prep stage grades.

Second project about:

Description: study for a Ph.D. degree

“A Suggested Program Based on Constructing and Assessing Instructional Portfolios for Developing the Achievement and Attitudes towards Physics For First Year Secondary Students’.”

2003. faculty of education, Assiut University.

Objectives of the Study:

The present study aimed to: recognizing the Effect of Using a Suggested Program Based on Constructing and Assessing Instructional Portfolios for Developing the Achievement and Attitudes towards Physics For First Year Secondary Students’.

Study Results:

  • The experimental group outperformed the experimental in the whole achievement test and the three cognitive levels, (namely; memory, understanding and application) included in the test as well. The experimental group results were acceptable except for the level of application. So, The Suggested Program have helped the experimental group to get more scores than the control in the three cognitive levels (namely; memory, understanding and application) as opposed to just two levels in the control group.
  • The experimental group out performed the control in the development of attitudes towards physics in the test of attitudes. The Suggested Program helped in developing all the six dimensions as opposed to the development of just three dimensions of the control group after the posttest.
  • There is a correlation between the scores of the performance observation cards to design instructional portfolio and the test scores with slight differences in the means. This refers to the possibility of depending on the instructional portfolio method as a method of learning and instruction and also as a method of authentic and alternative assessment by means of observing the performance for designing the instructional portfolios.


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Personal Interests

*  Designing Portfolios.

*  Teaching Science by Using Computers.

*  Scientific Literacy, Science Education.

*  Using Educational Technology.



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جميع الحقوق محفوظة لموقع

 التربية العربية

 أشرف عبد المنعم محمد حسين ( 2003م - 1424هـ).

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