Muslim Population of India

some calculations

It is often asserted by those of the Hindutva persuasion that one of the major threats to "freedom" in India is from the increase in numbers of the Muslim population. For decades, they have been predicting an imminent taking over of the Indian polity by Muslims due to this rise. For instance, they claim that once the Muslim population reaches 25%, another bout of separatism will occur (as in 1947).

Currently, the claims are based on the following snippet from the Indian Census of 1991:

Total Indian Population in 1991 = 816 million
Indian Muslim Population in 1991 = 101 million (12.1% of total)
% Increase in Total Population since 1981 = 23.8
% Increase in Muslim Population since 1981 = 32.8
(Source: Census of India 1991, Series-1, Paper 1 of 1995, Religion. These figures do not take into account the state of Jammu & Kashmir, since the 1991 Census could not be conducted there.)

In this page, we make a few rough, order-of-magnitude calculations of the numbers involved and their actual consequences. Using t for time, with origin at 1991, T for total Indian population and M for the population of Indian Muslims, the relevant exponential equations are:

T(t)=T(0)exp(0.24t), with T(0)=816mil
M(t)=M(0)exp(0.24t), with M(0)=101mil

  • Our first calculation is based on the admittedly ad-hoc assumption that India can't support a population more than double the present one. The time for population to double is obtained by solving T(t)=2T(0), and we get t=2.89. Since we are measuring time in decades, this is about 30 years. Now we find that M(2.89)=262mil, while the total will double to 1632mil, and so the Muslim fraction will be only about 16%.

  • Now let us look at what it would take for the Muslim fraction to reach 25%. The relevant equation is:


    Solving for t, we get t=7.81, which is about 80 years. Now, in this time, the total population of India would have increased to 5.3 billion, while the Muslim population would be about 1.3 billion! In other words, India would be supporting as many people as the entire Earth does today, while the Muslim population would equal that of China (currently). It is worth noting that the final numbers really depend only on the 0.33/0.24 ratio of the two growth rates. If the growth rates slowed down, but kept the same ratio, it would take longer to get to the final point, but the final population numbers would be the same!


    1. Our assumptions of constant rates of growth for the total and the Muslim populations are clearly contradictory, since, as the Muslim proportion rises, it will cause a change in the rate of growth of the total. If we break down the analysis further as total = hindu + muslim, solving the equations takes a little longer but the final numbers hardly change.

    2. I emphasize again that the key numbers here are not the number of years it would take for these events but the incredible increases required in the two populations.

    3. The assumption for our first calculation finds some support in an article in the Sept 8, 1997, issue of Outlook magazine. On page 80, "demographer and social scientist" Leela Visaria is quoted to the effect that the 2-child norm would stabilise the population at 1.7 billion by about 2070.

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