
What are UFO's ? Looking for mysteries where none exist.

UFO's overview

Powerful alien energy fields or water on glass? 

Lunar crater mistaken by UFO 'experts' as a UFO - 16/09/02


 Man on the Moon: A hoax or are the nonbelievers being hoaxed?

Moon Hoax Overview

Photograph of lunar module rejected by sceptics - 16/0902

Buzz stings critic - 23/09/02


 Crop Circles: Crap or cereal signalling?

 A Spooky Tale

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Arthur C Darke's 

Casebook of the Queer and Strange

(This issue updated 1 January 2003)

I have lived in the little English village of Upper Quireboye (sited in the southern area of England) for a good many years now and, I have been privileged to witness many things that cannot be pigeon-holed with what is generally termed as a scientific explanation.

Take for instance the strange and unholy cries I and other villagers have heard coming from the fields late at night where the sheep graze; the strange look in the eyes of our vet the morning after; our Parish Clerks unnaturally tidy desk; crop circles; and strange animals that seem to defy the established lists of natural fauna; the arguments used by the district council to raise my community tax each year.

On the other hand, there is an enormous amount of what is termed by scientists the world over as bull-shit - things like those who suggest that the Apollo moon landings were nothing more than an elaborate hoax that fooled the world (except those smart enough to write very expensive books about the subject, of course). There is of course a possibility that they are correct and the US government has hoodwinked the world - but their evidence is circumstantial and their scientific reasoning is of the very worst kind.

Then there is the subject of unidentified flying objects - UFO's or flying saucers as we scientific types call them.

I am the first to admit that people do see some odd stuff that cannot be explained even by rational explanation. However, there is a large amount of rational and reasonable explanation for many UFO or UFO related material that is hidden away by those promulgating the UFO story - ironic really as it is the UFO investigator or journalist who often condemn the Government's and Authorities (normally described in upper case) for doing the same sort of thing!

What I find even odder is the fact that UFO enthusiasts expect us to accept fuzzy, out of focus photographs and video images as evidence of extraterrestrial spacecraft, and then expect us to believe them when they deny the NASA images of men walking on the Moon!

In these pages, I shall be investigating some of the downright odd and strange in our queer little world.

Read on if you dare..........









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