The Upper Room Daily Devotional Discussion Group
We are a group of folks who spend a lot of time in front or computers, or whose busy days seem to get away from us sometimes. But we wanted a way to be able to spend some time with God and with others on various spiritual journeys. Some of us are friends who met as a part of The Wesley Great Experiment. Some are relatives. Some are e-mail correspondents from the Web. All are caring, concerned folks who want to grow in our spiritual lives. But we are "human," too, and sometimes we need prayer support.
For now, we are loosely organized as a group of e-mailers with each others' e-mail addresses. However, as this group grows, we need to find a mail list server. I welcome your suggestions! When you get a message from us, hit "reply all" or similar command to reply to all of us.
"When the Spirit moves you." Sometimes, there will be one or more e-mails a day among us; other times, we can go for days between messages. Write when some event or the Devotional moves you. When you need a prayer request. When you want to share a joy or a concern. Write just to say hello. Just keep it positive.
Follow the two steps below.
Sign up to receive The Upper Room Daily Devotional by clicking here.
Send me an e-mail telling me you want to be a part of The Upper Room Discussion group by clicking here.
We look forward to having you as a part of our group!
Other links:
Researching Your Methodist Ancestors
Go here.
Join the Rootsweb Mail List for Researching Methodist Ancestors
If you have not done so already, please sign up for the [email protected] mail list that I maintain. This mail list is full of folks researching Methodist ancestors who love to share information and problems encountered in their research. Just send an e-mail by clicking here and put only the word


in the subject and in the body of the message. Do NOT put anything else (not even "thank you") in the message or it will be bounced back to you.
More links and information coming soon, so please check back from time to time!
E-mail me
My genealogy pages
My home page with other links, including my day job and my family
� 1999 Elizabeth DuBois. All rights reserved. Nothing on this page may be duplicated in any way without express written permission of the owner.

Visitors since July 15, 1999
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