Issue two - New friends, old enemies
Sailor Star
- Lily Avel
Sailor Earth
- Liz Rice
Written by: The Witch Phoebe
Liz woke to the sound of her alarm cloak. Time to start anew, she thought and got up. A new school. She hated the idea, but there was no escaping it. She took a shower and brushed her teeth. Then she picked up her school uniform.
" It looks like Fuu's." she said to herself as she put on the green outfit.
She brushed her hair and grabbed her glasses. As she walked down stairs she heard a loud bang in the kitchen.
" Dad's in the kitchen again." she said and walked in to see her dad standing in the middle of a pile of pans.
" Well look at our little Fuu." he smiled at her.
" Dad, stop. I know I look like her." she said and made herself breakfast.
As she climbed into her Mom's car she thought about her old friends. No! she told herself. No memories. She got out and looked at the school. It was very large and there were so many people. Her
face flashed worry as her mom lead her inside.
Her mom lead her to the main office where they gave Liz her schedule. Her mom lefted and Liz was now there, alone. Room 13, that was her first hour room. She looked at the map they had given her.
" This wouldn't help me!" she cried and through it in the trash.
She looked around to see if there was someone she could ask.
" Are you lost?" came a voice behind her.
She turn to see a tall girl wearing the school uniform for the grade under her. The girl had blue eyes and blonde hair. Her hair was put up in a some what Serena style fashion.
" Yes, I'm new here and I'm trying to find room 13." said Liz.
" Well you've asked the right girl," said Sasha, " I'm one of the most popular girls in this school.".
" No your not." came another voice.
Liz looked over her shoulder to see another girl who would look almost identical to the one infront of her, except she had pink bows in her hair. Her arms were crossed and she had a stubborn look on her face.
" Sasha, why is it you always lie to everyone?" asked Lily.
" I never lie!" she cried.
" Oh sure you don't miss I-think-I'm-Sailor-Moon." said Lily and took Liz's hand.
" Come on room 13 is right next to my first hour, I'll take you." she smiled.
" Thank you, who was that?" she asked as they walked away.
" That was Sasha. Be warned to stay away from her and her friends. They think their the sailor scouts, but they are really very mean to everyone even each other." said Lily.
" Thanks for the warning." said Liz and smiled at her new found friend.
" No problem, I'm always there when someone needs help to get away from Sasha." said Lily with a laugh, " Well here we are, room 13.".
" Thanks so much." said Liz.
" No trouble at all and if you need more help, I can wait for you after class." said Lily.
" That would be wonderful." said Liz.
" Ok see ya soon, wait!" said Lily.
" What?" asked Liz.
" My name is Lily Avel, and you are?" she asked.
" Liz Rice, but must of my friends call me Fuu." said Liz.
" I can see why, you sure do look like her, well bye." said Lily and walked into her class.
" I like her." smiled Liz.
The rest of the day she spent the day getting to know everyone in her classes and talking with Lily. By the end of the day she had a lot of new friends, but Lily was the only one she really considered a best freind. Now she was walking home with Lily at her side.
" So what is your favorite thing to do?" asked Lily.
" Number one of twenty questions." Liz thought with a smile, " I love gradening and plants more then anything.".
" Really even more then life itself?!" asked Lily in surprise.
" Plants give us life, they give us air." said Liz.
" Oh ya." said Lily.
" Lily, look." said Liz as she pointed ahead.
" Uh." said Lily as she looked up.
She stopped, there was nothing in the world that could make her freeze except for
an evil.
But it couldn't be. It was a boy. Just a boy. But that didn't stop the feeling of evil. She had to stop a boy.
The boy smiled. He sent a blast of energy. Lily dogged it, but Liz wasn't that fortunate. She was sent forward with a scream. The boy lifted his arm and Liz followed. She was in his power. But not for long!
" I have no choice, Star Power!".
Liz looked at her friend. She had a look on her face that suggested happiness, surprise, and fear.
" Let my friend go right now or you will feel pain beyond words!" cried Sailor Star.
" So your Sailor Star or is it Crystal Diamond?" asked the boy.
" Crystal Diamond?" asked Sailor Star confused.
Then she remembered, for the last few days there had been attacks in another part of the city and someone calling herself Crystal Diamond had stopped the evil.
" I am Sailor Star the protecter of the Stars and all live, you shall forgive or burn!" she cried.
" Very good. It really sounds like your powerful." he said.
Now Sailor Star was getting angry. He still had Liz and that stopped her from attacking.
" What can I do?" she asked herself.
" Nothing." said the boy.
" So you can read my thoughts." she said.
" Of course." he said.
" Well then read this!" she cried and swung at him.

She froze. Liz. What was he doing to her.
Liz floating there in the air, glowing with green and brown light.
Sailor Star looked at the boy angrily, but he looked just as surprised.
" My friend is trying her best and I wouldn't try any less!" cried Liz loudly.
There was a loud boom and a bright flash of light. Sailor Star looked up and saw her friend standing in front of her with her hand out. Sailor Star took her hand and saw pulled up. Although her glasses were gone, Liz seemed fine.
" That was some attack." said Sailor Star surprised.
" Thanks. " said Liz and
Thats when she saw it, the Earth symbol's on Liz's hands.
" You can't get away that easy!" cried the boy and started to attack.
" No!" cried Sailor Star and they began to battle.

Liz watched
from the sidelines. She took out her extra pair of glasses to see better. She watched as Sailor Star battled the child. Then she saw her get hit.
" No!" she cried.
" You can help her." came a voice.

Liz looked up to see a key surrounded by white light
. It had a earth symbol on top it, the same as her hands.
" I want to help." said Liz and took the key.

She had a brainstorm.
" Earth Star Power!" she cried.

She transformed
into the next Inner Circle Sailor, Sailor Earth!
" You are Sailor Earth, the second of the Inner Circle Sailors. You are destined to fight along side Sailor Star and find the queen to free us from Evil." said Minya into Sailor Earth's headset.
" Right. Earth Nature Attack!" she cried and the boy was caputred.
Sailor Earth helped her friend up again and smiled. Sailor Star looked at her and smiled back.
" I think its time Sailor Star." she said.
" Right, Star Tara Attac..." she started, but at the last second Minya and Nala cried into her headset.
" STOP!!!" they cried.
" Whats up?" asked Sailor Star.
" You can't kill him, he is not an evil!" said Nala.
" What do you mean?" asked Sailor Earth.
" When True Evil attacked Eden in the past, he was with us. He saved my life. I thought he was killed." said Nala sadly.
" Then what do we do?" asked Sailor Star.
" Bring him here." said Minya.
" Right, we're on our way." she said.
She walked up to the boy and kneeled beside him.
" Earth take your attack off." she said.
Earth waved her hand and the vines were gone. The boy looked at them. Sailor Star held out her hand.
" Come with us, we can help you." she said.
" Were to?" he asked.
" To see Nala." she said.
" Nala." he said surprised and took her hand.
They walked to Eden and Nala walked up to the boy.
" Ascot." she smiled and touched the area over his heart.
They glew with a golden light that faded quickly. Ascot looked at Nala and she looked back.
Suddenly he kissed her, and to the surprised of everyone Nala kissed back.
" Ascot, welcome home." she said and hugged him.
" You to Sailor Earth." said Minya with a smile.
" Thanks." said Earth, but she wasn't paying much attention as she looked around the Garden of Eden.
The End
The fastest computer wiz has just transfered to Lily's school. With Sasha on her heels, this new girl has trouble. Can she out wit Sasha and stop a monster before her new school is destoryed?
Find out next time on Sailor Star.
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