Sailor Star - Issue One - Star Power
Written by: The Witch Phoebe
Characters in this issue
The fairy Minya
The fairy Nala
Lily Avel - Sailor Star
Star the cat
Para Para
Marus the monster
Lily was so board. And nervous too. This was her fisrt day at Azabu High School. So far she had only talked to one person, her teacher, Mrs. Haley. As she walked through the hall she noticed that there was a girl with a Sailor Moon style hairstyle and she was coming towards her.
" What do you think you are doing? You can't have your hair up like that because its my hairstyle!" she cried.
" What are you talking about?" Lily asked confused as she felt the two pigtails tied with pink bows atop her head.
" Thats my hairstyle." the girl said.
" No, I guess it looks a little like Sailor Moons but..." Lily started.
" Like I said mine." said the girl crossing her arms and pointing her nose up.
Just then another girl jumped between them.
" Sasha leave her alone, you weirdo." she said.
" My name is Usagi." said Sasha.
" Like I said, Sasha." said the other girl.
Sasha walked away in anrgy and the girl turned to Lily.
" Hi. My name is Christine Kino." she said.
" My name is Lily Avel. Whi was that?" asked Lily.
" That was Sasha, she thinks she's Sailor Moon. She has a group of friends who think their the sailor scouts and even a boyfriend who thinks he's Tuxedo Mask!" she said.
" Ok. " said Lily confused.
" Well since the day is over want to come with me for a walk around the city?" she asked.
" Sure!" said LIly, happy that she had made a new friend.
Lily and Christine walked around the whole city with Christine showing Lily everything. Finally they stopped infront of a big stone wall covered with vines.
" Whats this?" asked Lily.
" I don't really know. No one's been able to get inside, not even from the air." she said.
" Wow." said Lily.
Just then the clocktower in the center of the city struck four.
" Well I gotta go. See ya tomorrow ok." said Christine and ran off.
Lily walked infront of the city arcade and looked up. On the windows they had posters of a superhoerine called Crystal Diamond, plus Sailor Moon and Sailor V. Lily wandered who Crystal Diamond was. Then she heard a loud nosie. She looked down to see a black cat under her foot.
" I'm so sorry kitty!" she cried and pick up the cat up.
The cat looked at her and then seemed to smile. The cat jumped out of her arms and ran off. Without thinking she took off after him.
Lily looked up at the old wall with the vines again. Lily looked for the cat and saw him infront of it digging.
" What are you doing?" she asked aloud.
For some reason she thought the cat would answer. She looked in the hole the cat had dug and pulled out a small key with a star on top.
The cat looked up at her and seemed to smile again. Again without thinking she walked over to the wall and put her hand to it. She felt somthing cold and lifted the vines. She stared at an old door frame. She looked at the handle and saw that around it was ten different keyholes. She looked at them and instinctively placed the key into one of the keyholes and turned it. The door swung open without a sound. She walked inside.
Lily looked all around her and saw a beautiful garden. It was like walking into one of your most beautiful fantasies. There was a huge waterfall. And to Lily's utter amazement she saw a family of Unicorns in the waters mist. There were colorful flowers everywhere and beyond the waterfall were what looked like mountians. It was not possible, she thought to herself. She closed the door she hand just came through and walked around. The flowers smelled sweet and the water was just right. Then she looked back at the door and saw that it was open and she then noticed an small hand holding the door frame.
She stared at the little girl how poked her head out.
" Star!" she cried and ran over to the cat.
As she ran a par of silvery fairy wings opened on her back. She picked up the cat and hugged him.
The cat seemed to be happy as well as he licked the girl's face and purred loudly.
She then touched his forehead and a golden star appeared.
" There you go." she said with a smile.
" Now I know what a normal cat feels like." said the cat, Star.
Lily, for some odd reason, wasn't surprised that Star could talk.
" Minya I would like you to meet Lily Avel. She is Sailor Star you know." said Star.
" Hello Lily." said Minya with a bowed.
" What are you talking about?" she asked the cat who had started to walk towards the door.
" Come we will show you." he said.
Lily followed them to the door and down a long flight of stairs. She looked aroundthe large room and saw many more doors.
" Were are we?" she asked.
" Well, we mainly call this place the Garden of Eden, Eden for short. Outside is the Vail of the Fairies, the Heaven of Angels, the Unicorns Waterfall, and the Pool of Enchantment. This is the Cave of Wonders. Here we have the Computer Room, the Vault, the Sleeping Corridors, the Dining Hall, the Kitchen, the Theater, the Props Room, and the Library/Conference Room." said Minya.
" What that door lead to?" asked Lily as she pointed to the largest door.
" That is the most sacred place of all, The Court of Miracles." said Minya and Star.
Lily walked over to the door and opened it. She stared in awe at what she saw. There were beautiful stone columns and statues. There was what looked like a Wiccan Temple in the center. There was a small waterfall and even tiny fairies of all shapes, sizes, and colors fluttering around.
The fairies greeted Lily with warm smiles and then went on with their business. A fairy that was about Minya's size walked up to her and kneeled.
" Hello Lily. I am called Nala." she said.
" Hello. What is this building called?" she asked as she walked over to the Temple.
" That is the Temple of Elements. Where Good gave Hecate Halliwell the sacred Wand of Destiny." said Nala.
Lily opened the door and stopped. All she saw was staircase after staircase. In ever direction up could think of.
" Go ahead take a walk." said Minya.
" But I can't go everywhere." she said.
" Sure you can. Just trust yourself." said Nala and Lily went inside.
She walked up a flight of stairs and down another. She looked at the sideways staircase infront of her. She put her foot on the first step. Trust yourself. Thats what Nala said. She closed her eyes and lifted her other foot. She felt herself fall, but when she stopped she didn't feel the cold stone floor. Infact she didn't feel any thing. She opened her eyes and saw that she was sideways in the air. She smiled and began to run around the staircase room til she came to the center.
She looked at the table that stood before her. It was an Altar. She walked foward and picked up the small Pentacle and turned it over in her hands, on the back were the words: Magick is afoot. She put it down an looked up to see a small black box.
" I wonder what that is." she thought to herself.
" Its for you." came Minya's voice and Lily spun around.
Minya stood infront of her with Star in her arms and smiled.
" Its the four Inner Circle keys. You need to give them to the other Inner Circle scouts." she said.
" Four, but there are ten keyholes." Lily said confused.
" Yes, but the Outer Circle and Middle Circle scouts already have their keys." said Star.
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