Sailor Star
Who would have guessed that five oridnary girls could save the enitre Universe? Can Lily, Liz, May, Beth, Alex, and a mysterious masked gentleman stop the 4 Sisters from universal domination and can they free Eden from centuries of curse?
Special One - A Three Star Trio
The band of the cenutry is coming to Lily's school! But with the appearence of three mysterious warriors Lily has no time to sit and enjoy the music. Who are these three new warrior and can the scouts trust them?
Special Two - Visitors from Beyond
With the discovery of Spaceship, the scouts are up to their necks in trouble. Can they keep the huge craft a secret and even more importantly can they keep the ships crew secret?
Sailor Super Star
Lily and her friends finally get some time off. But not for long. There are three new warriors in town. Are they friend or feo and can the scouts new transform stop the new evil from dominating the world?
Special Three - Help from Beyond the Stars
She called herself Sailor Nova. The Three Stars don't turst her, but the others sense something about these new warrior. Who is she, could she be the one that leads them to the wand, and what is her connection with the Corleone Family?
Special Four - A Furry Situation
When another spaceships lands and the crew pleads for help, the scouts have no choice but to take off for a planet engaged in war. Can they stop the fighting and free the captured rebels before the whole planet explodes?
Star Nova
T.W.M. is one of the most famous TV stations in the world. Put it has been undergoing some strange happenings lately. With the discover of the Prince can the scouts unravel T.W.M.'s past and can they stop the evil Weather Mates in time?
Special Five - Earth, Air, Fire, Water
The Elements have asked the scouts for help. But the scouts seem to be a little out-of-it. Can they faces the dangers of the Temple of the Elements and will they be able to frre Spirit before the world is over run by chaos?
Special Six - Scouts of Two Worlds
They says they come from a galaxy that has been destroyed by True Evil. The scouts already have their hands full dealing with the evil Satan as he steals the souls of the universe. Can they turst this new scouts and can they stop Satan before the takes their souls as well?
Eternal Nova
Nessa seems to have a little secret. Everyone wants to know, even Evan. But with the appearence of a new evil, they have no time to wonder. Can their new transformation beat this evil and will Nessa ever share her secret?
Sepcial Seven - A Battle of the Sexes
The Three Stars have been sucked into another dimension! When they find themselves in a world where Sailor Moon is real, they decide to go one-on-one with the Three Lights. But when Alex arrivals things being to heat up between Haruka and Michiru. What will happen between them, who is the better band, and will they ever get home?
Sepcial Eight - Twins
They look like the scouts, they talk like the scouts, but their not the scouts. With the arrival of a new evil and some evil look-a-likes the scouts are in serious trouble. Can they beat this new evil while trying to second guess their doubles?
Crystal Nova
The moment has finally come. True Evil is free. The scouts have to work overtime to find the wand and the princess. And with a surprising turn of events the scouts now realixe of the princess really is. Can they beat True Evil and will the Wand be enough to stop evil and the curse for good?
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