Sailor Nova
Name: Nessa Corleone
October 13
Opal, Tourmaline
Birthstone meaning:
Stars and the Moon
Not seeing the stars
Favorite Pet:
Favorite Food:
Cadbury Creme Eggs
Least Favorite Food:
Spinach, Liver
Blood Type:
Christine, Lily and their friends, drawing, painting, singing, writing, and dancing
Sasha and her friends, fakes
Favorite Color:
Black, purple, and yellow
Singing, writing, dancing, and painting
Favorite Subject:
Art and choir
Least Favorite Subject:
Strong Point:
To be an astronaunt and to marry Evan
Has Trouble With:
Not looking at the stars and the moon when their out
Favorite Place:
The ocean at night
Bad Habit:
Being secretive
Princess of the forest, Queen of the jungle
Club Membership:
Dance club president, Choir club president, Student Body President, Youth Group president, R.T.O.A. president, Judo club president, Nature club president, Skating club president, Computer club president, Newspaper club president, Fashion club president, Writing club president, Astronomy club president (the ones at her school), and W.L.P.A. vice president (known world wide)
To protect everyone
thinks of everyone as equal
Sport good at:
Ice skating and Caphiro (Cap-pooh-a-da, ancient form of fighting)
Everyone deserves a second chance at life
Favorite Gem:
School status:
Third year college student at Tokyo College
Love Aspect:
Evan Marcus
First Appearance:
Thrid special issue
Nova Supreme Crystal Star Power
Staff Power:
Can make her disappear, holds power, can make her fly
Nova Star Destroy, Nova Star Silencer (Forbiddean)
Staff: Her staff has the powers listened above. Her staff can look like anything she wants it to and it is held in the small supernova jewel on her tara. She can also use the other scouts powers.
Nova Star Destroy - She spins her staff very fast and stops it start up, then points it at the enemy. There is a blast of light and the enemy is gone
Nova Star Silencer - This attack is forbiddean. In this attack Nova's spirit leaves her body and eneters the enemies body, where she destroy its brain. In doing this she causes the enemy to die, but seeing as to how she is inside the enemy and cannot leave, she die's as well
Appearence: Nessa has long black hair that is put half up in a bun and tied with a purple ribbon (like Sailor Pluto's hiar). She has violet eyes and is very muscular. She has long legs and a lot of muscles. She normally wears her brown college uniform. When she is not wearing that she is wearing something black and/or purple.
Her scout uniform is a mix of Sailor Saturn's and Sailor Moon Eternal. She has purple boots that end just above her knees. Her skirt is three-layered, with white on top, then purple, then black. She has a gold band across the top of her skirt (like on Crisis Sailor Moon) and a long black bow in back. Her shirt is cut short to show her flat stomach. Her scarf (the thing that goes over her shoulders) is purple with two black stripe's. The shoulders of her shirt are turn up like Sailor Saturn's and continue down her arms till they cup over her hands. Her locket is gold with little wings around it, her chocker is purple, her earrings are stars, and her tara is gold with a small supernova jewel (that means she has the power of a supernova in the jewel). And when she wants to she can have beautiful goddess wings.
Nessa is the most beautiful and most popular of all the scouts, of everyone for that matter. Although she is very secretive. She won't tell the scouts very much about herself, neither will her boyfriend, Evan. Evan and Nessa have been dating every since their parents let them and they plan to get married. At first everyone thinks she's evil because she has a strange power that could be good or evil. Nessa is the best at everything she does, singing, painting, writing, everything. Sometime into the story she ends up joining the Three Stars band. Nessa loves the stars. The roof at her house and the roof of her college dorm room is a dome of glass so she can see the stars every night. She has a cat named Universe and the cat has a small universe on her forehead. She can talk and is the only other being, next to Evan, that knows Nessa's secret, and even she won't tell. At the end of the story Nessa tells the scouts she is Sailor Nova, and then later tells them her secret.
Nessa's father, is said to be head of the world's Mafia, but no one knows for sure. He is in the newspapers all the time and Nessa is sometimes follwed by reporters that want the "inside scope". But of course she won't talk. When ever someone brings up the subject she just laughs it off.
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