Sailor Starhealer
Name: Mariah Jade
Age: 19
Birthday: October 7
Birthstone: Opal and tourmaline
B.S. Meaning: Hope
Blood Type: A
Favorite Food: Meatloaf
Least Favorite Food: Salad
Favorite Subject: Medical course
Least Favorite Subject: English
Sign: Libra
Hobbies: Working
Favorite Color: White
Favorite Animal: Fox
Has Trouble With: English
Dream: To protect the princess
Favorite Gem: Gold
Strong Point: Healing
Fear: Not finding the princess
Likes: Christine and her friends and healing
Dislikes: Sasha and her friends and wounding
Favorite Place: Home and the hospital
Bad Habbit: Study's to much
Strengths: Arms (punches)
Nickname: Mari
Club Membership: Medical Club
Resposibilities: Finding the princess
Personality: Nice, smart, and helpful
Sport Good At: Baseball
Love Aspect: Will Mandi
Motto: Be yourself
School Status: First year college student at Tokyo College
First Appearance: Issue 15 of Sailor Super Star
Transformation: Magick Starhealer make-up
Power: Crystal Attack
Crystal Attack: Points two fingers at the enemy and crystal's appear and attack the enemy. The crysatl's circle the enemy and cut it several times.
Appearance: Mariah has short white hair (like Haruka's) and crystal blue eyes. She normally wears a white hospital uniform or her first year college unifrom.
Her sailor uniform is the same as her sister's but everything that is light brown and red on their's is white on her's. And the jewel's on her bandana and locket are opal.
Mariah is the best medical mind in the whole group. She got a medical scholarship to got to Tokyo College. She is always trying to help everyone and is very sweet and nice.
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