Gourry Gets Into Some Hot Water

Chapter Two:
In Which Gourry Gets Into Some Hot Water

"Why would a bandit wanna curse somebody?" Amelia pondered.

" I’ve heard of Lilas before. She’s not really thief, more like a bounty hunter or mercenary. She’s famous for going to great lengths to track do those who run from the altar. But why would she do something like this?" Lina paced the room searching for answers.

" Extortion probably." Commented Zelgadis, rubbing lipstick off his face.

"You don’t think she’s after my Sword of Light…do you?" Gourry whimpered clutching the blade to his body.

"GOURRY! Don’t be an idiot! If she was after that she would have took it last night! At least now your appearance matches your brain size!"

"You know Miss Lina, Lilas said that both Mr. Gourry and Mr. Zelgadis were under a curse. But why hasn’t Mr. Zelgadis shrunk too?"

"She’s probably bluffing or the curse just didn’t work. I do have a good deal of immunity to lesser spells, you know."

"I’m not so sure of that Zel. I think we should all keep an eye on you, in case something does actually happen. By the way we’re gonna have to find something for Gourry to wear. He’s swimming in his pajamas right now!"

Everyone instantly turned around to get a look at poor Gourry, who was still grasping his sword. Then Lina fished out a small leather purse out of her cape and tossed it to Amelia.

"Uh…Miss Lina…what’s this for?"

" That’s for the new clothes you’re gonna buy Gourry. It’s obvious he’s not gonna fit into his old armor."

So Amelia left the Inn in search of an outfit for the now tiny swordsman. She ran into the nearest clothing shop and bought the first child-sized outfit she came across. In a flash, she was back at the Inn with the purchase in hand.

"I’m baaccckkk! Hey everyone look at this cute outfit I found!"

Zelgadis, Lina, and Gourry all fell over in shock. For what Amelia held in her arms were a darling sailor suit, a matching hat, and a pair of tiny boots!

" Uhmm…Amelia? Don’t you think that’s a bit too much for traveling in?"

"Oh not at all Miss Lina! I admit it was kinda expensive, but I think its well worth the two hundred and thirty gold pieces I paid for it."

"WHAT!!! You spent all the money I gave you on one lousy pair of clothes!"

Lina then whacked Amelia in the head. Amelia yelped in pain as a bump rose off her head.

"Calm down Lina. She did do what you asked, didn’t she? It was foolish for you give her all the gold in the first place."

" Oh…You’re right Zel. Shall we be going now then? I think we’ve a score to settle."

About a few hours later they were on their way to Dragtini via the Sylvania Woods. Lina lead the way until she took notice of the disparaged look on Gourry’s face.

" What’s wrong Gourry?"

"THIS OUTFIT IS RIDICULOUS! I hate having to wear this thing" scowled Gourry kicking a nearby stone.

"Gee…I guess that means you don’t like it Mr. Gourry."

"No, I don’t like it! It makes me look like a kid!"

"But isn’t that what you are?" pointed out Zelgadis.

As usual, the others laughed loudly, having fun at his expense. But Gourry had been long used to being the laughing stock of the group and didn’t seem to mind any. Then he let a noisy yawn, his eyelids drooping along with the setting sun. They had been on the move since early afternoon and all that walking had taken its toll on him. Suddenly, he plopped down on the dirt trail and offered protest.

"Hey guys can we stop now? I’m really tired, not to mention hungry too!"

"Sorry Gourry, but SOMEBODY spent all our money on that ‘ADORABLE’ suit of yours, so we’re gonna have to go hungry tonite!"

Amelia laughed nervously, as she felt a little ashamed for blowing all the money on a single item.

"If you don’t want to stop for the night, Lina, you’re going to have to carry him since Amelia and are carrying his stuff."

"HAH! There’s no way I’m going to carry him! I don’t care how cute he is!"

Realizing what she had just said, Lina’s face blushed scarlet red. She tried desperately to explain. But the damage had been done. Lina regained from her temporary lapse in composure and submitted to Gourry’s request to stop for the evening. The group cleared a campsite and rounded up some mushrooms and berries. It wasn’t much but it was better than starving. After finishing the sparse meal they settled down into a restful sleep.

In the morning Gourry was the first one up, and as always, was hungry. So he left the others to sleep while he found something to eat. He busily searched for berries as his stomach growled. Gourry was stuffing his face full when he set his eyes upon a modest cottage surrounded by fragrant flowers and a white picket fence. So Gourry skipped right up to the oak door wondering if anybody was home…and more importantly if there was any food! Just as he prepared to knock on the door and an old lady hobbled out to greet him.

"My! What handsome little boy! I’ll bet a little heartbreaker like yourself is just dying for a hot breakfast!"

"You bet!"

"Well come on in and I’ll get you cooking…err…something cooking for you."

The slivered haired woman went over to the stove and began to make some pancake batter. She fried up a gigantic stack of pancakes, smothered them in a thick syrup, and set them before a drooling Gourry. Instantly the mile high pile of flapjacks disappeared into his mouth.

@->--- >-- @->--->-- @->--->-- @->--->-- @->---> @->--->-- @->--->-

Deep in the Argent Mountains the Infamous ‘Kiss and Run Rouge’ arrived back at her opulent mansion. As soon as she got in the door she flung off the her cloak onto a empty chair, and headed for her study. Lilas poured herself glass of liquor before sitting down in her favorite chair.

She reflected upon the past days events…and what was to come for Lina Inverse. Lilas could not help but smile at thought of what awaited the famous ‘Bandit Killer’. The brigand chuckled aloud then she began to hum ‘Here Comes the Bride" as she took a drink of her beverage.

@->--- >-- @->--->-- @->--->-- @->--->-- @->---> @->--->-- @->--->-

Meanwhile back at camp…

"Where the Hell did that jellyfish for brains go?"

"I can’t believe he’d wonder off in his condition. Doesn’t he realize the danger he’s putting himself in?’ exclaimed a frustrated Zelgadis.

"I’m really not all that surprised though. Hey Mr. Zelgadis, Miss Lina! I think I found Mr. Gourry’s trail!"

"Good work Amelia! But that idiot is SO dead when I find him!"

Eventually they arrived at the same cottage Gourry had gone into earlier, only to find him in a rather perilous situation. Gourry was dangling from the ceiling above a bubbling cauldron with the old lady sharpening a gleaming cleaver on a grindstone. Upon their entrance, Gourry perked right up and shouted.

"Lina! Am I glad to see you!"

"You’re such an moron Gourry! Why did you ever wonder off like that anyway?"

"Well I…uhm…was hungry and I thought I’d let you guys sleep in. I mean your are kinda grouchy when you get up in the morning."

"She’s always grouchy."

"I heard that Zel!"

Zelgadis cringed a little. The old lady lifted the hatchet off the spinning wheel and started to wave it at the new arrivals.

"How dare you interlopers try to interrupt my meal!"

"Why would anybody wanna eat Mr. Gourry?"

"Beats me. He can’t taste all that good."

The crazy old lady was growing impatient. She plucked one her grayed hairs and pressed too the cleaver, splitting it in twain.

"All this useless chatter is starting make me hungry! PREPARE TO DIE!!"

The raving old loon lunged at Amelia, narrowly missing the girl by inches. Amelia dodged out of the way of several blows before she was able to make her way to Lina. Fortunately the woman managed to lodge her weapon in the wooden floor just long for Lina to send her flying through the roof wind a Dil Brand spell.

" Oh look Miss Lina! There’s still some batter left over! I think I’ll make us some pancakes."

So Amelia dashed over to the stove and hastily fried up some food for her and her friends. Within minutes Lina, Amelia, and Zelgadis were all happily munching down on a late breakfast.

"Can you guys let me down now? I’ve learned my lesson…besides I want some more to eat too."

Lina thought about it for a moment, then decided to have Zelgadis release him. So Zelgadis got up from the table and lowered Gourry to the ground and untied him. All of a sudden, he roared in pain, holding his head in both hands. Everyone leapt up and ran over to him. Zelgadis then collapsed to the ground unconscious. Lina knelt besides him, rolled him over to his back, and gasped in disbelief.

Author’s notes:

Just to let you all know, I’ll be taking a short break from "Affection" for a while to work on "Shakespearean Slayers". Yeah I know this a bad time to leave ya hanging, but I trying to build suspense. As for "Shakespearean Slayers", I’m planning on doing A Midsummer Nights Dream, so don’t worry about people dying for no apparent reason! As always, feel free to comment or make a suggestion. Just mail me at [email protected]


Angie C. aka

Explosion Goddess Lina 1

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