Gourry Relives His Childhood


The Tale of the Kiss and Run Rouge.
A fanfic by
Angela Chmieleski

Chapter 1-In Which Gourry Relives His Childhood

"Hey Gourry! Get your hands of my leg unless you want to lose an arm!" growled an auburn haired girl.

"No way Lina! You’ve already eaten ten of ‘em already."

"So what! I’m still hungry and besides you got the last steak so its only fair that I get this piece."

"Why is it that no matter where we go or what we order that it’s never enough for you two?" wondered a younger looking lady.

Just then as she was busy lecturing to the vicious carnivores, the blonde warrior swept in stole her cutlet run out in front of her nose. He then swallowed it in one gulp and then let a loud belch. Actually the word loud was an understatement, since the sound caused the girl to tip herself over in her chair. After crashing to the ground she quickly got back up, dusted herself off, and sat down only to find a now empty plate.

"I can’t believe you’d steal food right off my plate…without even asking me first. Don’t you have any manners Mr. Gourry?"

"Sorry Amelia, but it was just sitting there. You looked liked you were finished."

" You really shouldn’t be surprised Amelia. Gourry does that to me all the time! There’s still some stew left. You could eat that." Said Lina with a slight yawn escaping from between her lips.

"By the sound of things, I quess we should consider getting to bed early. We still have a long ways to go before we reach Seiryuun. I want to on the road before noon, if possible." Spoke a quiet man with lilac hair, who was drinking an unidentifiable beverage.

"Good idea Mr. Zelgadis. But I’ll skip on the stew. I think I’ll go pay for our rooms and meals before there’s no vacancy left."

The lithe girl rose away the table and off to the far wall. She too was quite exhausted from walking all day, but she had to get home as soon as possible or miss her father’s homecoming. There she would have to organize every inch of the celebration once she returned. It was royal protocol and there wasn’t anyway to weasel out of it, not she let herself of course. Her friends were eager to reach Seiryuun as well but for others reasons, such as a hugemoungous feast that sure to break all previous records.

@->--- >-- @->--->-- @->--->-- @->--->-- @->---> @->--->-- @->--->-

Unbeknown to the dreary companions a figure was observing every thing from a table not too far away. From under her burgundy cloak she let out a devilishly wicked grin and sipped an expensive vintage wine. She was Lilas Talyze, a mercenary better known as "The Kiss and Run Rouge". She would occasionally deal in stolen relics, but Lilas had earned the title by means of her favorite type of work- Fiancée hunting.

Lilas had grown quite fond of using both swords and sorcery to track down runaway brides&grooms, and drag them back to the altar. But today her services were enlisted to eliminate some potential suitors for a patron. This was not an unusual task for Lilas, for she was often asked to the same for wealthy families as well-for a price of course. She observed that time and finished the liquor with one final swig before leaving the tavern.

@->--- >-- @->--->-- @->--->-- @->--->-- @->---> @->--->-- @->--->-

"We’re lucky. I managed to get us the last two double occupancy rooms the place has." Amelia told her friends

So they all swallowed the last remains of their meals and headed upstairs to bed. Gourry and Zelagadis said goodnight and went to their room. Upon entering their room both Lina and Amelia flopped right on the beds.

"Hey Amelia, where was your father anyway?"

"Oh Daddy? He was on a long peace treaty mission across the Dmons Ocean. He was in charge of keeping the Council’s documents safe for the most part."

"Are you saying that he didn’t have to be there?"

"Pretty much. At first they didn’t want him to go, but they finally gave in after he wrote all those letters attesting to his love of peace. You know how my daddy is a champion of truth and justice…and he couldn’t miss an opportunity to see that horrible war end!"

", That sounds like Prince Philionel alright. I quess that’s what the feast is for, right?’

"That’s right. But there is so much more than that planned, Miss Lina! There’s gonna be jugglers, bards, a jousting tourney…."

"Who cares! I’m only going for one reason and that’s the food. Goodnight Amelia."

"Goodnight Miss Lina."

Amelia snuffed out the lit candles and the two went to sleep unaware of what was going to befall them.

@ ->--- >-

As the city grew dark and silent Lilas awoke from a catnap to carry out her mischievous deed whilst the townsfolk slumbered on. She went over to the dresser and donned her dual blades along with her favorite hooded cloak. Then she walked over to the bedroom window and opened it revealing the empty streets below. A cool evening breeze pushed her deep chocolate curls back and forth as she gazed out into the night sky. The faint moonlight illuminated her ruby lips, which were curved into a wily grin.

"I suppose I should get going now. Let’s see they’re staying at the Inn at the other side of the city and since that’s too far a distance to walk I think I’ll fly….RAYWING!"

Lilas sailed through the darkness, coasting over the rooftops, in search of her quarry. Not to far away she sighted the ‘Blazing Dragon’ Inn and touched down ever so softly at the back door. She then unlocked it using a slender skeleton key and entered the Inn. Finding the registry book she found the written location of the victims and closed it. Lilas found her way up the dim hallways to Gourry and Zelgadis’ room and came into the room without a sound. She turned her head to them to get a better look.

"Wow! What cute guys! I almost hate to do this, but money is money. Sorry boys."

Lilas pulled out an ancient scroll and walked over to Gourry, who was snoring contently. She reached into a pouch on her waist and took a handful of herbs, which she then sprinkled on him. Gourry stirred a bit, but fell right back to sleep as Lilas chanted an incantation. The warrior let off a pale glow that signaled the spell’s success. Next she went over to Zelgadis and smeared a magic glyph on his head using a blue ointment.

"Well it seems like I’m nearly done here for tonight. I’ll just leave this note on the nightstand. Now all that’s left is the coup de grace.

The infamous ‘Kiss and Run Rouge’ took a quick look in a compact, fixed her tresses, and applied a thin layer of lipstick. She walked back to both the men and left her calling card before vanishing back into the night once more.

@->--- >-

One minute Zelgadis was snoozing soundly. The next he was jolted awake by a sudden and rather high-pitched wail. Zelgadis glanced over to his side to find that instead of Gourry… was a little boy! He swiftly got out of his bed and went over Gourry’s.

"Gourry??? Is that YOU?"

"Of course it’s me! What’s happened to me? Why am only two feet tall?!"

Just then the girls walked in the room curious as to all the racket they had heard.

"HEY GUYS! What’s with all the noise in here…By the Gods is that Gourry?" gasped Lina.

"Oh how CUTE!" squealed Amelia.

"AHHH!! Lina help me! I’ve been shrunk to pint size!"

" I can see that Gourry. But the question is…Who did this?"

"Uh…Miss Lina? I think you should have a look at this note I found by the window. It’s adressed to you."

Lina snatched the letter from her and begin to read the elegant script aloud:

@ ->--- >- @ ->--- >- @ ->--->-

Dear Miss Inverse,

You have been graced by the presence of the one and only ’Kiss and Run Rouge’. I have been kind enough as to curse these two gentlemen. If you wish for me to remove them for you, then head for my mansion in the Argent Mountains east of Dratini.

See you all very soon,

Lilas Talyze
@->--- >-- @->--->-- @->--->-- @->--->-- @->---> @->--->-- @->--->-

"I see now. Well it looks like we’re all gonna have to make a side trip to the mountains and find this elusive "Kiss and Run Rouge." Spoke the sorceress in an ominous tone as she crumpled the note in her hands.


TADA! Lookie! I Finally finished the first chapter- YEAH! So whadda ya think thus far, eh? Took me long enough to finish it though. Any questions or comments are welcome (hopefully positive!)—Just mail me at [email protected] -ok? OK! Lastly I’d like to thank ‘Chaos’ for the encouragement and also constantly badgering me to write! -THANKS KID!

Racheengel’s notes

Having had this for a while, and finally possessing the knowledge to correctly format, I did so. I tried to keep it in basically the same format as I received it. This includes spelling, grammar, content, etc., as well. Even the colored rose barriers had to be formatted as such. This holds with the rest of the story. ^-^ 1
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