1) You feel the need to shout "Kaneda!" "Tetsuo!" for no reason.

2) You walk through a forest and instead of pondering the beauty of
nature you see ninjas jumping through it.

3) You begin to wonder what different characters look like naked.

4) You begin to wonder what different characters are like in bed.

5) During a test, instead of simply whiting something out, you
feel the strange need to shout something like "Super White-out Splash!"

6) You see the world in anime.

7) You actually understand number 5.

8) Not only do you see the world in anime, but you think the world
would be so much cooler if it was in anime.

9) Not only do you feel the need to shout "Super White-out Splash!"
when whiting stuff out, you have to punctuate EVERY action with some
flashy phrase (eg: you shout "Power Key Turn!" while starting your car)

10) You think that if dressed up like a ninja and jumped straight
up into the air, you'd disappear in a flash of vertical lines.

11) You see drawings where a person's legs don't take up three-quarters
of their body and think that it's out of proportion.

12) You're disappointed when number 10 doesn't work.

13) You see real people where their legs don't take up three-quarters
of their body and think that they're out of proportion.

14) You think Ranma 1/2 is a perfectly normal depiction of human life.

15) Akira doesn't make your brain hurt.

16) Lain doesn't make your brain explode.

17) Lum is your dream-girl.

18) You want to name your kid "Ranma" if it's a boy, or "Ranma-chan" if
it's a girl.

19) You won't watch a thing unless it's subtitled.

20) If you have triplets, you name them Lime, Cherry, and Bloodberry if
they're girls, or Kenshin, Yahiko, and Sanosuke if they're boys.

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