The Mummy Returns
***1/2 out of 5

Take a hold of logic. Okay? Got it? Is it in your hand? Good. Now, throw it out the window. If you're going to see this movie, then that's where you want logic: As far away as bloody-well possible.

Sequel to the Brendan Fraser special-effects laden adventure movie a couple of years back, The Mummy Returns is most definitely a good movie. It's not a great movie, not by far, and it's not a serious film, either. It's just a movie that's surprisingly worth seeing.

Did I mention it was fun?

I guess you're wondering about the plot, aren't you? Well, that's easy. Y'see, it appears that during the time of Ancient Egypt, there was some fierce warrior known as The Scorpion King. He led a huge army (more people than you'd see at that time in that desert). Eventually, his army was defeated and he was cast out into the Egyptian desert. Just before he died, though, he pledged his soul to the god of death, Anubis, if only he could conquer his enemies. So, Anubis erected an immense oasis, thereby saving the Scorpion King's life. The King therefore went out with Anubis' own little army of sand-based dog-like warriors and conquered his enemies, only to be returned to the grave when he won.

Enter our tomb-raiding heroes centuries later. It's the 1930's I think (or the 40's... damn... well, it's about 8 to 10 years after the first Mummy flick), who are in the process of raiding an ancient tomb. We have Brendan Fraser and the woman who played the librarian in the first flick. They're married, here, with an 8-year old son who's quite the smart li'l bastard (and not too-cute, thank God). Basically, there's this treasure that will, unbeknownst to them, eventually lead them to and revive the Scorpion King. As the plot thickens, we find out that there's some sinister organization trying to revive the Mummy from the first flick (of course, they succeed). They also want to revive the Scorpion King so that The Mummy can defeat him and gain control of his armies, and thus the world.

Okay, so it sounds a bit hokey, I know. But, hey, you're not here for the plot, you're here for the ride. And it's one hell of a ride, too. Great special effects, and a fabulous sense of humour. This is one movie that doesn't take itself seriously for a second. And that's a good thing, because it's the kind of movie that can't be taken seriously for a second.

Of course, there are ups and downs. Brendan Fraser kicks ass (literally as well as figuratively) in this movie. He's great fun to watch, I must say. As are the rest of them, mind you, but Fraser gives it that little "oomph" the movie needs, insofar as charm and sense of humour go.

And, as in the first one, The Mummy himself is much cooler as a walking corpse instead of a fully-regenerated "human". I dunno, I always wished that they'd keep him as the CG walking rotting-flesh-off-bones thing than the actual actor.

This small nitpick aside, The Mummy Returns is one great movie. It's a hell of a ride, most definitely. If you're looking for a fun movie, then look no further. Just try to remember to leave logic at the.

Oh, and The Rock (a WWF wrestler, in case you didn't know) is here for about ten minutes of the movie at the most. Just so ya know.

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