Deep Blue Sea
*** out of 5

A group of scientists are trying to find a serum which will re-activate brain
cells within human beings afflicted with Alzheimer's. To do so they must toy
with the brains of huge sharks, three to be exact. In doing so, however, something
which the team had not counted on happened: The sharks got smarter. Eventually,
the huge underwater beasts decide that they want to kill the humans who have been
toying with them, and so begin to attack the establishment. The survivng scientists
must find a way out while avoiding the dangers of both rushing water and those
monster sharks.

That's the premise of this movie. Sounds kind of cheesey, now doesn't it? Well,
to tell the truth it is. This movie is a very cheesey, very stupid, suspense movie.
Call it Jaws meets Jurassic Park, if you will, because that's basically what
this movie is.

Also, to add a more dire air to the movie, a tropical storm bursts surprisingly
onto the scene, stranding the scientists in their lab. Then a few explosions ensue,
and the sharks decide to take action!

I'll admit, I found this movie funny. Very very funny. I don't know why, but for
some reason it was humourous to watch as people were eaten up by sharks, shaken
around like rag dolls. Again, recollections of watching people get eaten by those
extinct dinosaurs in Jurassic Park. Remember the scene in the second one,
The Lost World where two T-Rexs decided to share a human victim? Well, this
act is repeated multiple times in this movie, and each time I laughed.

That's not to say that there aren't any good and genuine jumps and thrills in
this movie. There are. It's just that they're so predictable that you want to
smack yourself after you've jumped. Either that or you'll laugh as a man gets his
arm taken off by a shark, or is torn in two, or... well, you get the idea.

My final verdict? If you're in the mood for a mind-numbing, totally stupid suspense
movie that borrows greatly from many others (other than the previously mentioned,
there are hints of Alien as well as a few others), and in which they spare
absolutely no detail when the humans become eaten and torn up and all, then go and
see this movie, you won't be disappointed. However, if you're more in the mood for
a movie that will make you think, or will make your heart race without making you want
to beat yourself for jumping in your seat, you're better off with any of the Alien
movies, as well as the original Jurassic Park.

There was one really kick ass thing about this movie, though. The black guy wasn't
the first to die.

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