Talyn's Anime Page is moving the bulk of it's site to a new server for that geo-free look. Check out the new index page at xoom. Until the final move, all the new files I add will be linked to both index pages so don't worry about missing something by checking this page
This page has been last modified on November 20, 1998.
Click HERE! for news about anime in general and updates to the site...maybe I will also give out anime video game news too....hmmmm....
Talyn's is now being updated with more pics, lyrics, etc. I am working on an aesthetically pleasing look to the site and I am also trying to fix what is lacking. Right now I am scanning away and hope to do real updates whenever possible. Please everyone, I want to know who visits my page, please sign the guestbook or even just email me, thanks for the patience (sp) between updates.
Ohayo to all the anime fans out there who just happened to make an internet pitstop right in my front door. I've got a bunch of images now uploaded and I am working on getting new, fresh anime links and images up here. Remember, I want to know what you think. Please sign the guestbook
so that I know who has been here and what positive and negative comments there are about my meager site. Also,
if you have any anime page of any sort (absolutely no hentai) please sign or email me so that I can add it to the links section. Ja-Ne!
people have visited this page!
Thank You For Coming! :) Please sign my guest book, I personally email and thank everyone who signs it!! (well, I'm just a nice guy, so I gotta do it ;)
ATTENTION: If there are any problems such as copyrighted material, etc. please
e-mail me as soon as possible.