Chapter 18 of Ah ! My Goddess manga
Volume No. 3
Chapter: 19

Page 50

( The life of a college student isn't all fun. It also has a dark side too.. FINAL EXAMS. )
Girl: Yawn
( Chemistry Labs )
Woman: What the.. ? Huh ?
Man: How come doesn't matter what I done.. always looks like.. soy sauce ?
Professor(think): Heh.. heh.. it IS soy sauce !
( Reports )
( paper says: Due to system crash, all computers will be close until further notice. )
Girl: Open the door !! if I can't use today, I can't hand-in my report tomorrow !!
( And then, of course, exams.. )
Keiichi: Org..
Bell-chan: Are you alright ? You've been up all night for the last few days.

Page 51

Keiichi: I'm fine, I'm fine. I've got just one exam left tomorrow..
Keiichi(think): but the teacher's that devil Ozawa !
Keiichi(think): If you score under 50, he shows no mercy.. you won't pass !
Keiichi: I've gotta stay up late to study tonight or..
Ootaki-sampai: Yo, Morisato ! now we just finished with our finals..

Page 52

Together: so that's party !!
Bell-chan: Yaay !
Keiichi: No.
Keiichi: I still have one left. So please don't bring any of your friends to bother me.
Keiichi: See you.
( p.s: Keiichi and Bell-chan run away. )
Keiichi and Bell-chan: Hahh.. hahh..
Keiichi: They sure go easy on me today.

Page 53

( But Belldandy felt something that is a tiny, but definitely unlucky star's fallen. )
Bell-chan(think): I still a little bit worry..
Tamiya-sampai: Is that right..?
Ootaki-sampai: He still have one left.
Ootaki-sampai: We can't let him felt left out in his hour of need.
Tamiya-sampai: We gotta help him out, because we are seniors !
Keiichi: ....
Keiichi: I see..

Page 54

Keiichi: Where did you found so many people ?
Ootaki-sampai: Because I thought more people the better.
Urd: So we got that many people here right now..
Urd: Let's play the perfect party game called - " Life Sugoroku Special " !!..
Keiichi: Let's wait til next year, okay ?
Urd: Eh ? why ?
Ootaki-sampai: We're outta beer ! bring out champagne, or.... what ever !!
Tamiya-sampai: Champagne is good..

Page 55

Keiichi(think): Gotta concentrate.. just don't pay attention to them then I should be fine.
Ootaki-sampai: Yo !
Ootaki-sampai: Hey, Mori.. sato..
Ootaki-sampai: Got a closer look at you and I found you actually pretty cute.
Keiichi: Eh !!
Keiichi: Uh.. sampai.. wait..wait a second.. !!
Keiichi(scream): AHHHH!! STOP IT !!!!
Keiichi: B..Belldandy !
Bell-chan: Yes ?

Page 56

Keiichi: You gotta hide me !
Bell-chan: Wow ! you are so cute !
Keiichi: Aw.. c'mon..
Tamiya-sampai: Morisato ! get over here !!
Ootaki-sampai: Where'd he go ?
Background: Morisato !!
Keiichi: Damn it ! they will find me sooner or later..
Sampais: You can run but you can't hide !
Background: Morisato !!
Bell-chan: Sigh.. I think I better use it.
Keiichi: Eh ?

Page 57

Bell-chan: I'll need one strand of your hair.
Keiichi: Ouch !
Bell-chan: I've never tried this before.. so I'm not sure it'll work..
Bell-chan(magic): God of the Sea, God of the Earth, God of the Sky..
Bell-chan(magic): Return to the source of life..
Bell-chan(magic): And grant me the life for this creation..
Bell-chan(magic): I, Belldandy thus entreat you !

Page 58

Bell-chan: Can I succeed at the first try ?..
( p.s: Some kinda animal pop out. )
Keiichi: What you gonna do with this ?
Bell-chan: Sorry.. I didn't add enough salt, I guess..
Bell-chan: This time it should work !

Page 59

( p.s: Keiichi No. 2 pop out. )
Bell-chan: Yes ! it worked !
Keiichi(think): My face don't look that dumb, is it ?
Keiichi: Hey !
Keiichi: I can have him take the exam for me !
Bell-chan: No, you can't do that.
Bell-chan: If you think of this creation as a computer..
Bell-chan: it only provide one single memory IC chip..
Bell-chan: Besides..
Bell-chan: I think its better for you if you take the exam yourself.
Keiichi No.2: take the exam for me.. take the exam for me..

Page 60

Bell-chan: Exams aren't just to test your knowledge..
Bell-chan: they also help you to determine your own level of ability.
Keiichi(smile): ....
Keiichi: So this guy..
Bell-chan: Will be your replica for now.
Bell-chan: Meanwhile, you can just study.
Keiichi: And this replica should take care for now..
Keiichi: Ah !
Bell-chan: !!

Page 61

Everyone: !!
Keiichi: Eh.. uh..
Bell-chan: Umm..
Tamiya-sampai: Oh, my.. I'm seeing two Morisatos..
Ootaki-sampai: Whoa ! I am seeing double too !
Urd: So am I !
Other: Me too..
Tamiya-sampai: Then I guess there are really two Morisatos, huh ?
Urd: You are an idiot !
Background: I actually worried for a second here..
Background: Haha !
Keiichi(think): Thank God they all drunk.

Page 62

Urd: Hehehe..
Urd: In that case, I want the Keiichi on the right.
Keiichi: Eh ?..
Tamiya-sampai: Okay then, we'll take the Morisato on the left.
Keiichi No.2: On the left.. on the left..
Background: Yahooo !
Bell-chan: You guys wait a sec.... eh ?
Bell-chan(think): Oh.. no..
Bell-chan(think): I used the magic I never use it before, and now my body can't handle..
( p.s: Bell-chan's sleep. )

Page 63

Urd: Come on ! Keiichi, take your cloth off !!
Keiichi: Stop it ! I have a final tomorrow..
Keiichi(shout): My exam !! my exam ..!!
Keiichi No.2: My exam.. my exam..
Keiichi: Urd ! STOP !!
Keiichi No.2: My exam.. my exam.. exam.. exam..
Urd: Mphh..
Keiichi No.2: My exam..

Page 64

Urd: Eh ? you up aleady ?
Keiichi No.2: My exam.. my exam..
Urd: Okay, okay, I know.
Urd: I'll help you get to your exam.
Urd: Let's see.. here it is.
Urd: Here, hold this.
Urd: Okay now, hold on tight.
Urd(magic): Broom, broom, fly to the sky..

Page 65

Urd(magic): and go straight to your goal !
( p.s: Keiichi No. 2 is flying to the school. )
Urd: Finally.. back to sleep..
( Soon, on the Nekomi campus.. )
Sayoko: !!

Page 66

Sayoko: !?
Sayoko: Morisato ?
Keiichi No.2: My exam.. my exam..
Sayoko: What happened to you ?
Sayoko(think): Must be those sampais of his..
Keiichi No.2: Exam.. exam..
Sayoko: Okay, okay.. you're taking the analytics exam too, right ?
Sayoko: but.. are you sure you're okay ?
( Meanwhile, the real Keiichi.. )
Keiichi: Arr..( p.s: looking at the clock. )
Keiichi: !!

Page 67

Keiichi: I'm doom !! the exam's already started by now !!
Keiichi: and I'll bet that Ozawa doesn't let people in late that easy !
Keiichi: Yee ?
Keiichi: He.. he's already there and taking exam for me !?
Bell-chan: Eh ?
Bell-chan(think): I really can't figure out how he got here..
Bell-chan(think): but I have to switch the two of them so the real Keiichi will get in..

Page 68

Keiichi: Can you somehow stop time ?
Bell-chan: I can't do that, but..
Bell-chan: There is an other way, first..
Bell-chan: If we're gonna switch you, you have to dress exactly alike.
Keiichi: ....
Bell-chan: When I say "Go", you take off.
Bell-chan: and then at the instant moment you about to trade places..
Bell-chan: you can pull out any single white hair on its head and that should do it.
Keiichi: Got you.
Bell-chan: Go !!
( p.s: Keiichi start running. )
Keiichi(think): The air feels heavy..

Page 69

Keiichi(think): Nobody's noticing..
( Belldandy didn't stop time or slow it down.. )
( Instead, she concentrated one day's worth of Keiichi's energy into a single instant.. )
( temporarily increasing the speed of his muscular and nerous system. )
( This made his movement so fast that human eye can't catch it and.. )
( everyone's appeared frozen to him. )
Ozawa-sensai: How come Morisato looks like an idiot ?
( p.s: Keiichi successfully switched. )
Keiichi: I'm tired..

Page 70

( p.s: BIG wind blows by everyone. )
Everyone: !!
Ozawa-sensai: What was that !?
Ozawa-sensai: Just continue with your exam, people !
Bell-chan: Hang in there, Keiichi-san, all the good efforts will be rewarded !
Keiichi: Dammit ! that moron put down " My exam " as every single answer !
Keiichi(think): I have to erase them all first..
( Keiichi managed to pass the exam.. )
( but he also acquired a reputation as " Cross-dresser " Morisato. )
People: Ah ! that's " Cross-dresser " Morisato !
People: That's the one !?

End of Chapter 19

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