AMG Chapter 14's translation
Volume No. 2
Chapter: 14
Title: Oh, My.. Sexy Sister


-Page 97-

( One day, I received a small package )

Keiichi: No return address on it, hmm....
         Doesn't look like a bomb though..

Keiichi: What.. what the !?
         Can this be some kinda porno video ?

Keiichi(think): Can it be senpais.. ?
       (Tamiya: Morisato, are you happy now ? this is for you.)

Keiichi: But I can't throw away a great gift like this, right ?
(think): Wonder what's on it.. ?

Keiichi(think): Good thing for me that Belldandy's out shopping.
(p.s: screen says - Goddess Video Co. Let you see it all)

Keiichi: Oh Boy !

-Page 98, 99-

Volume: Two
Chapter: 14
Title: Oh, My.. Sexy Sister

Keiichi: Yow !

Keiichi: Oh..

Urd: Hi, there, how are you ?

Keiichi: !!

-Page 100-

Urd: Mmphh..

Keiichi: Wha..what the !

Urd: Oops !

Urd: Aw !

Background: Boom !

Urd: That hurts

Urd: Ah !

-Page 101-

Urd: Oh, man.. What should I do with this ?

Bell-chan: I am home - !

Urd: Aw ! she's back !

Bell-chan: Keiichi, where are you ?

Urd(think): Now what ? the way it look will be all my fault !

Urd(magic): Conceal !

Bell-chan: Keiichi..? Are you in the room ?

-Page 102-

Bell-chan: Aw ! Keiichi !

Bell-chan: What happened ?

Keiichi: Woman.. out of the TV from a video tape..

Bell-chan: A video tape ? 
           Strange.. there doesn't seem to be anything here..

Bell-chan: Sorry, but I guess I have to play your memory back a little bit.

-Page 103-

(Bell-chan now is playing Keiichi's memory)

Bell-chan(think): Hmm.. what's this ?

Bell-chan: !!

Bell-chan(think): Could it be.. ?
         (magic): Slow Motion 1/5

Bell-chan(magic): Pause !

Bell-chan: AH HA !

Keiichi: Huh ? what happened.. ?

-Page 104-

Bell-chan: Sis ? you are here right ?

Urd: Hmm.. you finally find me.

Urd: Hello

Keiichi: AH !

Urd: I am Belldandy's big sister, my name is Urd
     I've come to recharge her system force.

Bell-chan: What about the Yggdrasil System ? 
           You are the system's maintainer, aren't you ?

Urd: Don't worry about it
     I already left Skuld to take care of the system.

Skuld: Huh.. huh.. I don't know which is which..

-Page 105-

Bell-chan: You're not here just to recharge the system force, right ?

Keiichi: Eh ? Really ?

Urd: Hmph.. Belldandy, you are just to clever, very perceptive.

Urd: You two were really starting to bug me.
     ( Keiichi and Belldandy's record - presented by Urd )

Urd: Here you are, living together under one roof,
     but nothing ever happened !!

Urd: You guys hardly ever even kiss !

-Page 106-

Urd: So.. I thought whether or not I should help you two out.

Bell-chan: So.. Urd..

Bell-chan: You've been spying on us ?

Urd: Ulp !

Bell-chan: And you even recorded us !

Urd: J-just standard monitoring procedure, right.. ?

Bell-chan: But as a grade two, limited license goddess, you have restracted access, yes ?
           You're not supposed to be monitoring us !

-Page 107-

Bell-chan: Hand over the recording ! ( magic attack )

Urd(magic): Shield up !

Keiichi: Eh.. ?

Keiichi: AHHHHHHH !

Urd: Ah..

Bell-chan: Ah-ya !

-Page 108-

Keiichi: Whew..

Keiichi: What a day this turned out to be..

Keiichi(think): But what a gorgeous sister.

Keiichi(think): She's totally different from Belldandy, she's very sexy kinda type.. 
              : !!

-Page 109-

Urd: Let me.. scrub you back for you !

Keiichi: No !.. I meant there's no need for that.

Urd(think): Hmm.. no wonder he hasn't gotten anywhere.

Keiichi: Towel.. towel..

Urd(think): I guess I'll have to teach him..
            A thing or two about real woman.

Urd: Morisato.

-Page 110-

Urd(spell): Out of the tub !
            You'd really like me to scrub you back for you, right ?

Keiichi: Yes....
         I.. would really like.. that.

Urd: Good, then hurry up and hop out the tub.

Keiichi: Yes.. y.. yes

Keiichi(think): I went her to scrub my back.
                I can't refuse her.

Keiichi(think): But something inside me is holding me back..
(Bell-chan: Keiichi !)

-Page 111-

Keiichi(think): Belldandy !!

Keiichi: Uh ?

Urd: Very good.

Keiichi: AHHHH !!

Urd: Eh ?

Urd: Come on, don't be shy, come on out.
   (think): Dawn ! Full power !

Keiichi: Yes.

Keiichi: ................

Urd: C'MON !!

-Page 112-

Keiichi(think): Ah.. I.. can't resist her 
                but what if Belldandy sees this ?

Urd: I am pissed !

Urd(angry): Make up your mind ! you coming out or not ?

-Page 113-

Bell-chan: What was that !?

Urd: Ah, I feel much better now.

Bell-chan: You've got to be careful, Keiichi.

Bell-chan: My sister will do anything to accomplish her goal, 
           but then sometimes she gets so wrapped up, she forgot what her goal was.

(Bell-chan: Awhile ago, when I got sick..)

Man: Belldandy !

-Page 114-

(Bell-chan: The usual diagnostics didn't work.)

Bell-chan: Hahhh.... 

Man: We have no choice but to rely on the power of the jade Dragon Stone of the east.

Urd: I'll go get it !

Man: Hey ! Wait !

(Bell-chan: Urd went straight to the palace of the almighty.)

Urd: I borrow this for a sec !

Someone: Hey ! What are you doing ? you can't take.. !

-Page 115-

(Bell-chan: She borrowed the eight-legged horse, Sleipnir...
            and rode off to the east to fetch the jade dragon stone.)

Keiichi: Sounds like a nice thing to do.

Bell-chan: I am afraid not.
           Its just part of her do anything to accomplish her goal.

(Bell-chan: My sister took three days to tame Sleipnir.)

(Bell-chan: By the time she got back, one of our telekinetic
                 colleagues had already fetched the stone. )

Keiichi: ............

Bell-chan: Furthermore..

-Page 116-

Bell-chan: She's alot more powerful than I am.
           She could wreck this whole city if she wants to.

Bell-chan: But you were able to resist her, I am kinda surprised.

Keiichi: Ha.. I almost didn't..

Keiichi: But image of your angry face suddenly appeard in my head, 
         so I am able to calm down.

Bell-chan: Ohh ? am I really that scary ?

Keiichi: No.. no, I mean..

-Page 117-

Keiichi(think): Alright !!

Bell-chan: !!

Keiichi: Huh ? what's wrong ?

Urd: Oops.. darn..

Keiichi: Ah....

Bell-chan: Oh.. Urd..

Clock: Tik.. tok.. tik..

-Page 118-

Urd: ....

Urd: Okay, she's fast asleep

Urd: This time I'll teach him about women

Keiichi(think): Dawn.. today I was so close and yet so far..

-Page 119-

Keiichi(think): Huh ? doesn't feel like it, did I bring some buns ?

Keiichi: !!

Urd: Oh, my.. gently.

Urd: Oh, no, you don't. Don't try to escape.

Urd: Look, you want to keep Belldandy around, don't you ?

Keiichi: Huh ?

Urd: If I can't recharge her system force..

-Page 120-

Urd: My sister wil have to rely to much on internal power.
     She'll use up all of her own strength in no time..

Urd: Then she'll have to go back home.. to get her power restored.

Keiichi: How do you recharge her power ?

Urd: Hee..

Urd: Make love to me !

Keiichi: Wha.. ?

-Page 121-

Urd: See, the whole problem is with your genetic information !
     It hasn't been properly loaded into the system's database. That's what caused the problem.

Urd: And my body is a direct link into the system.

Urd: If you make love to me, your genetic information will be uploaded immediately.

Urd: Then everything will be okay.

Urd: So how about it ?

Keiichi: ....

Keiichi(think): Belldandy once told me that goddesses never tell a lie..
                And.. that means.. !

-Page 122-

Urd: Come on !

Bell-chan: Uhh..

Bell-chan: Eh ? Urd's gone ! could be.. !

-Page 123-

Urd(think): When I was getting him all steamed up earlier in the bathroom, 
            I also got a good spell into him.
            This time he will not able to resist.

Keiichi(think): Got it do it for Belldandy....

Urd(think): The realm of the senses lies waiting for you !

Bell-chan: Sis !!

Bell-chan: What are you doing ?

-Page 124-

Keiichi: W-wait ! your sister only doing this..
         to help you recharge your strength.

Urd: Oh, no..

Bell-chan: !!

Bell-chan: Telling lies AGAIN ?

Keiichi: Huh ? lies ?

Bell-chan: That's why Urd's a "limited" goddess, even though she's powerful than I am.
           Its her punishment for all the lies she's told in the past.

Urd: Nah, I don't care, its worth it if everyone is happy.

Bell-chan: I won't forgive you for telling a lie to Keiichi !

-Page 125-

Urd: Ha ! ha ! C'mon, I will block them anyway !

Urd: Ah !!

-Page 126-

Keiichi: You don't have to be so hard on her..

Bell-chan: No, that wasn't me.

Bell-chan: Look.. there's writing on the floor !

Bell-chan: Umm.. it has been determined that a recent temporary system crash was due to 
           interference by goddess second grade, limited - Urd..

Keiichi: She did that so she can come here ?

Bell-chan: Therefore she must remain in exile until further notice.

Keiichi: Uh ?

Urd: So.. looks like I'll visiting for awhile.

Keiichi: Great.. 


End of Chapter 25

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