
Madelynda's portrait

Portrait (c) A'lex and Madelynda

Upon examination, this young woman in her early twenties looks rather delicate. The sparse landscapes of her body suggest a sickly past. Yet the glow of health is present in her pink cheeks, sparkling aqua eyes, and the firm curves of taut muscle that enhance the bony structure of her arms and shoulders. Posture rigid and upright, chin lifted at a prim and formal angle, in the same moment she appears both polite and shy. Her clothing contradicts the elegance of her feminine, obviously Hold-bred bearing--more used to skirts and ruffles, apparently, than the crisp and clean black trousers she wears. But her soft, sisal tunic, designed for a warm climate and dyed a light Harper-blue, makes up for it: intricate, embroidered vines circle the long sleeves' cuffs and curve along the low neckline. Her dark brown hair is rigidly plaited into a tidy, thin braid that ends just beneath the arched lines of her shoulder blades, tied with a tattered ecru ribbon. The orange and black knot on her shoulder, intertwined as it is with a cord of gold, indicates she is a junior weyrwoman at Ista Weyr.


With all the beauty of a master crafter's lifework, this young dragon appears finely made from the grace of her narrow muzzle to the filigreed sweep of smooth pinions. Her step is light, her form's trim modeling awash with an even-toned shade of heart-pure gold: a beautiful hue, one that calls to mind the courtesies and intricacies of bygone courts and dynasties. Over the gleaming canvas of her body, a subtle fretwork of inky traceries--loops and whorling swirls barely distinguishable as more than shadow tinting the molten gold--deepens the queen's hide to the antique richness of a priceless illumination, mystery and legend made flesh with the brush of pen dipped in Ista's obsidian sands. Phediath's large yet lithe body looks to be about 39 meters long with a wingspan of 68 meters.

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The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. This PernMUSH character profile and logs areposted with copyright notice as discussed with Anne McCaffrey, October 10, l997.

For more information, contact Madelynda via email or +mail on PernMUSH.

Pages last updated October 3, 1998 --� 1998, Madelynda


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