
As the most junior rider in the Queens Wing, as well as the most junior weyrwoman, Madelynda was instantly swept up in a mind-boggling variety of duties. Because of her Harper upbringing and skill with scribing, she was often assigned to help Merellia with research in the Weyrwoman's records room whenever an extra pair of hands were needed. She began to meet and greet visitors to the Weyr in an official manner, and demonstrated a hidden ability to appease and welcome as she more and more often willingly took on the role of hostess when the Weyrwoman was occupied with other matters. As time passed, the young goldrider was permitted and encouraged to observe and participate in meetings with the weyrwomen, Headwoman Daria, and assistant headwomen as topics such as fostering assignments, apprenticeship considerations, and seasonal planning were discussed. Madelynda took to this type of work like a fish to water, unlike some of the other rider-duties and -skills with which she had had such trouble during weyrlinghood.

The flurry of activity, Threadfall and drills included, could not delay the inevitable, however: Phediath's first flight came all too soon. A memory from weyrlinghood, in which Uma (a harper who often frequented family and friends at the Weyr) sung a ballad about an ancient and ill-fated mating flight, haunted Madelynda as the outward signs began to betray Phediath's soon-to-be-desperate state. When the queen was just four months shy of four Turns, she became a golden shooting star in the sky -- and was caught by E'ryn's brown Parth.

The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. This PernMUSH character profile and logs areposted with copyright notice as discussed with Anne McCaffrey, October 10, l997.

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