Game Show Pilots

Special thanks to Michael Klauss, John Ricci and David Livingston for the Snappy shots of all the pilots. Special thanks also to Chuck Donegan for providing new info on other pilots

This page is devoted to pilots for game shows. Some sold, some didn't. A pilot is meant to show the networks how the game works. Some pilots use actors or contestants that were on other game shows to play the game. Sometimes multiple pilots are shot with different outcomes of the game, which means that some pilots may have some "rigging" done to show a win or loss, or other various aspects of gameplay. Here are my opinions on the game show pilots. I have also graded each pilot by the A,B,C system. I have also added, by request, the announcers for some of these pilots.

Click HERE to read about the SOLD TV pilots from The Better Sex To You Bet Your Life with Groucho Marx

Click HERE to read about UNSOLD TV pilots from Bamboozle to Jackpot with Nipsey Russell- NEW!!! Commentary on the Celebrity Game pilot!

Click HERE to read about UNSOLD pilots from $50,000 A Minute to Twisters- NEW!!! Commentary on Money in the Blank

Click HERE to read about UNSOLD TV pilots from Split Second to You Bet Your Life with Richard Dawson

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