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Film Preview: Fall 1999

                                   Armando Valle

     What I'll be watching these coming months....

     For months there was nothing I wanted to watch. Seriously. I recall opening up the newspaper to see title after title of film drivel. These days I gotta think twice and again before shelling out 6 bucks to go to a movie; $7.50 if you go at night. Now fall arrives and every weekend brings a potentially disarming great film. It's like exhibitors foolishly scheduled all the film goodness into 3 months. There are more films opening that I even know about but of those I know of these will be the ones I'll watch:

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     American Beauty--Current Release: Kevin Spacey and Annette Bening star in this suburban drama which has been gathering hype like a snowball becomes an avalanche. I've seen it--I'm buried neck deep in the snow and how wonderful it is. The film's a true-cut-instant-masterpiece.

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     Fight Club--Current Release: My first question after seeing Fight Club's trailer was: What is this movie about? Images of fist fights, computer effects, giant brass ball rolling amock, car crashes, terrorist commandos and a Pop-Art colorful bar of soap . It looked like a demented Sci-Fi film. Brad Pitt and Edward Norton star in David Fincher's adaptation of Chuck Pahluniak's (?--I've only heard about this writer a week ago and just checked his stuff out: He can write the hell out of anything) first novel. Fight Club's the type of risky,fast-ball, groundbreaking film that 90% of the audience doesn't get and won't pay to see--it immediately becomes a cult film. So in light of that...I'll probably be seeing a couple more times before it dissapears from theaters.


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     Bringing Out The Dead--Oct 22: Nicolas Cage in maestro Martin Scorcese's latest film. Based on a novel which I couldn't find time to read (sigh) Cage stars as a burnout paramedic haunted by his job. Anything new by Martin Scorcese is urgent viewing for me. This one I'm seeing this weekend.

     The Straight Story--Current Release: This is what I've been talking about--Films from major directors just sneaking up on us; sometimes we don't even know they are released. I didn't know of David Cronenberg's eXistenZ until the weekend it came out. And now another David has a film coming out: David Lynch. Richard Farnsworth stars as in the real life story of an aged farmer who sets out to visit his ailing brother by riding his mowing truck through several states since he doesn't have a driver's license. A Lynch film usually means there's gotta be an bizarre, exceptional story unfolding, yet the buzz on The Straight Story is that is just that...The Straight Story. What else can I say? Gotta see it.

    The Insider--Any movie which has Al Pacino is a must see. And this one has him and director Michael Mann, who did the excellent Heat a few years back. Although its subject matter seems sluggish--the film deals with a man who blows the whistle on the dirty business of the Health Care industry--with Mann's direction this could a taught, well-executed thriller.

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     Dogma--Kevin Smith's much-awaited latest film finally opens. Starring Ben Afleck and Matt Damon as two angels on a mission to get back into Heaven who run into much controversial but hilarious misadventures. The film's take on Christianity kept it from getting a distribution deal until now even though it did well at the Cannes Film Festival. I'm there!

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     Sleepy Hollow--Visionary director Tim Burton is back with this interpretation of the classic Sleepy Hollow tale. The trailer shows Burton at his visual best: luscious atmospheric cinematography and quirky perfomances. Johnny Depp plays the New York detective (!) who comes into a small town to investigate a series of murders. Cristina Ricci, one of my favorite performers, stars as the damsel in distress.

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     Magnolia--Christmas brings forth the latest film by Paul Thomas Anderson, whose last film was the brilliant Boggie Nights. Magnolia has an ensemble cast in a story involving several dramas unfolding in the period of one day. Tom Cruise is rumored to be in the film.

     The Talented Mr. Ripley--This film also opens on Christmas and has generated plenty of talk. It has Matt Damon, Cate Blanchett and Gwineth Paltrow, who was last seen giving an Oscar-winning performance in Shakespeare In Love. Adding to the package is direction by Anthony Minghella, whose last film was the Oscar-winning English Patient. The film tells the story of a man who assumes another's identity...I've also heard that there's a serial killer element to it though what little I've read of it on the net makes it seem like a romantic comedy.

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     Man On The Moon: How is this for Christmas overload? Jim Carrey stars in the, should I say it? bio of comedian Andy Kauffman. To round up the project, Cortney Love co-stars and its directed by Milos Forman. Looks like I'll have to do some serious film viewing this Christmas season. How about you?

                                              Armando Valle  

     Armando Valle can be e-mailed at:[email protected]

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