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     Grand Inquisitor

[no subject]

                                                                                Armando Valle


     Warm days are here again. And I'm so glad. Being Puerto Rican means I delight in warm weather and long sunny days. It seems like just yesterday I was shoveling snow from that sudden blizzard back on late January. That in itself wasn't bad--I had been to Puerto Rico that week and I missed the blizzard's worst spell. Warm weather also means cranking up the AC for most people, but not for me. 80 degrees don't mean hell to me like it does to so many Americans. It still amazes how the general American man will don shorts on 60 degree weather. Hot girls going to the club wearing tank tops,no coat, and skin tight pants on 40-degree evenings. I guess they're aclimated properly for those endeavors.

     What to write about? No controversies of any personal significance. No personal issues to bitch and moan about. Elian was reunited with his father. The Baltimore muder rate continues to soar. The Big Game is at 220 mil--I might play it just this once. You never know. So what to write about?

     Guess I could gripe about the lack of good films lately. Saw Gladiator last night and it was just OK. American Psycho, the movie, was an utter bloodless dissapointment (but more on that on another article), and these summer's blockbusters are big yet derivative--A CGI-animated dinosaur movie, a Mission Impossible sequel, a live-action Rocky-and-Bullwinkle cartoon and the X-Men movie. Noisy movies with no veins to tap in terms of subject matter.

     Talk about my personal life.... Well, girls are going back to their summer wardrobe and that's sweet for me. Being single means I get to prowl and see what kind of trouble I can find.

     My own projects. They're top secret. Generally, I don't like to discuss what I'm working on. Only with friends and possible collaborators. It's possible to talk a project to death. I believe in that Nike motto: Just Do It. Though, what I can say is that I'm disgusted at the state of the Horror film genre at the moment. American Psych, Scream 3 and Final Destinations are perfect examples of films I won't do--teenage mush for the masses.

     So in closing, warm days are here again. I will be enjoying then thoroughly. One thing has become permanently engraved on my consciousness--Life's short. My prerogative is to tackle life wearing positive-attitude armor, and if I get cut, I will bleed...positively. I'll be out there on these warm summer nights. For now, hey, Choose Life. Live as Hard as you can.


                                          Armando Valle                                            (May/4/00)

                                                                          copyright 2000  

     Armando Valle can be e-mailed at:[email protected]

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