General pages of djgpp users

Here are links to pages of djgpp users that I don't know how to classify or I just haven't enough time for it. Please tell me if I must move these pages to other part.

* James Lefavour . A neighbor of Pines here in Sillicon Valley (GeoCities).

* The BETAtech WWW site have links to DJGPP sites.

* Atte Koivula have the following pages. Another neighbor of Vista here in Sillicon Valley (GeoCities).

* Jeffrey Drake have a page related to djgpp.

* Adam Stilwell is working in a CRPG and searching for colaborators. Home Page.

* Some people of the list is working on a project of a DOS web Browser. For more info, check out this. The project is called NetApex, it have a mailing list called netapex-dev in the DJ's server ([email protected]).

* Brett Porter have a page that he describes as: "This page has recently been revised to include information on DJGPP and the PAGOS project that I am working on. It contains a few DJGPP links, but I intend to expand the page in the near future.". Home Page.

* Aengus Walton's Home Page, he wants to be visited, look how he submited your link: PLEASE come here now!!!! This site ROCKZ!!!! It rools to heaven!! Sign the guestbook while you're here!! Thanx.. Click here to email me!!

* Alexander Kellett have a page called Fracarthurs Lair (alternative) dedicated to DJGPP, 3D, pascal graphics, guitar, etc...

* Shak' Ahl have a page here. Another GeoCitizen.

* Somebody is working on a new twist to turn-based strategy games. e-mail.

* The DJGPP mine by Stephan is a page with various sources (stored in this site).

* The Crow by Crowpsx.

* Per have a page dedicated to Allegro and djgpp here.

* Game Exchange by Neil Walker is a site for games programming that allows people requiring help on their game, people offering help in games, and people who have unfinished games they wish to offload.

Other languages based on gcc/djgpp

* GNAT ADA is an ADA programming environment, built on GCC. FTP download (for DJGPP-GNAT/DOS) also visit this page.

* GNU Pascal 2.1 (ISO 7185 Standard Pascal, 90% ISO 10206 Extended Pascal and 80% Borland Pascal) is available in your main site and in Sunsite. The GNU Pascal home page or alternative. You can found in Simtel too.

* GBASIC Cool BASIC interpreter, written with djgpp+Allegro.

* GNU Objetive C. Binaries and Sources.

* Gardens Point Modula, a Modula-2 compiler.

* The SmallEiffel Eiffel Compiler (via FTP). An excellent GNU GPL'ed Eiffel compiler for many platforms (including DOS with DJGPP). Additionally Peter Monks made ACE (Allegro Con Eiffel), that's an adaptation of Allegro to the Eiffel language. You can find it in the following directory the file is called ace???.zip.

* GNU Fortran 77 based on gcc 2.95.3 is available in simtel.

* OmniBasic is a portable BASIC. Supports Linux, OS/2, MSDOS (DJGPP), OS-9 and WinNT/95 (Cygnus). Shareware and Commercial.

* Squeak a Free Smalltalk implementation.

* Connective C++ Compiler v1.0 by Quintessent Technologies (Gopal Santhanam) Connective C++ is a new language, based on C++, that provides the functionality required to support component-based programming. Several major platforms are supported, including MS-DOS DJGPP. Free.

* Grap 1.20 ported by Kees Zeelenberg is an implementation of Kernighan and Bentley's grap language for typesetting graphs. Sources and Binaries.

* Lua 4.0 ported by Nimrod A. Abing is a powerful, light-weight programming language designed for extending applications. Lua is also frequently used as a general-purpose, stand-alone language. Lua is free software. Sources, Documentation and Binaries.


Where can I put that?

* Patchs for printf to compliance with IEEE 754 and 854 standards are available here and are adapted for djgpp v2.02. By Stephen L Moshier.

* Boolean Functions Simplifications programs

* Pentium Compiler Group. There are a CC1.EXE file for djgpp precompiled with the Pentium optimization patchs. Now the EGCS 1.0.1 is available. The djgpp files are in the following directory.

* A gcc modified to generate Intel assembler can be found here. Uses Nasm as assembler and is in alpha stage. Andrew Crabtree did the work. Look for the or similar file.

* The DJGPP's Web Ring joins djgpp web pages.

* Richard M Birch made a class that produces a polynomial formula up to the order of 50 to represent the data you give it. It also has graph-drawing facilities. The file is here. Uses Allegro.

* Portable Forth Enviroment v0.9.6. Compiled with djgpp v1. Sources. GPL.

* A new project by Wojciech Galazka based on it can be found here. Now v0.0.6 available.

* A patched version of libc from v2.01 can be found here maintained by Nate Eldredge. If you only have FTP access try here (maintained by A. Sinan Unur).

* DJGPP v2.03 is now available in any SimTelnet mirror directory.

* Additions for the wctype.h definition by Mark E. can be found here.

* GEM bindings for DJGPP by John Elliott. At present, only applications are supported, not Desk Accessories.

* Scott Howard have versions of egcs cross compilers your site. He compiled cross-compilers for Motorola M68K and Power PC and the Hitachi SH-3.

* egcs 1.1.2 is available in Simtelnet under the egcs directory. Ported by Andris Pavenis.

* A fix for profiling/itimer can be found in Nate's site.

* LFBemu 2.0 by Alexei A. Frounze is a program that emulates Linear Frame Buffer (LFB) by means of Page Translation.

* GNU miscfiles 1.3 ported by Richard Dawe is a distribution includes files not of crucial importance for system administration or operation, but which have come to be common on various systems over the years, including word lists, airport codes, zipcodes and more. Binaries and Sources.

* LFN Services for Windows NT by Wojciech Galazka. Binaries and Sources.

* Andrew Crabtree is working in a virtual device driver for NT to give LFN access to DOS tools like W9x does. An alpha can be found here (

* GNU VERA 1.9 packaged by Richard Dawe V.E.R.A. (Virtual Entity of Relevant Acronyms) is a free list of acronyms all of which are used in the field of computing. The current edition contains approximately 9200 acronyms. Binaries and Sources.

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