Assembler under djgpp

Links to pages talking about assembler with djgpp.

* NASM 0.97 is the Net Wide Assembler, it supports Intel syntax and can be used to generate djgpp object files. Sources available. Linux version. RHIDE 1.2a+ supports it directly. If you plan to use NASM with RHIDE see that please. There are a NASM IDE also.

* Quick Assembler Programming Guide with base in this page.

* A text explaining how to use the GNU Assembler, was designed for Linux but can be applied to djgpp, is here.

* DJ have the GAS documentation in ASCII format.

* Brennan's Guide to Inline Assembly with DJGPP2 (15K).

* Pentium optimized blas1 routines in assembler by Manuel Kessler.

* An example of how to hook the keyboard interrupt is the MKKbd program.

* A tutorial about de 80386 architecture and GAS by Jim Schwarz can be found in the following page of the user guide.

* Greg Velichansky wrote an AT&T to Intel (TASM) assembly converter. Home Page. Source available.

* A small NASM + DJGPP demo by Rylan.

* Some notes about the available constraints accepted by gcc/egcs for inline assembler. I (SET) wrote this one.

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