Some of my little animations

I tried to keep the file sizes as small as possible so the animations are small ones. I was forced to reduce the number of frames and the resolution.
As a result of that the animations are 100x63 instead of the original 320x200 size and contains only the 40% of the frames.
To convert these animations I used my own tools in C. These tools can convert .FLI files to .TGA files reducing the size, the number of frames and cutting only a part of the frames. Then I use a third party converter to convert the files into .GIFs and finally I use my GIF compiler to create the .GIF file.
I optimized these pages for 640x480, in this way the animations doesn't look so tiny, so if you aren't in 640x480 try to set this mode.

Background in Move
52 Kb
101 Kb
Roto & Tors
85 Kb
Roto & Ligths
41 Kb

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