Internal Images

    HTML has some hidden images that you can take advantage of. Originally designed to set up gopher information services for use on the web, you can use them for your own purposes.
    Most graphical browsers will have them and although the images will be slightly different from browser to browser, the image should get your point across. You'll have a small graphical flourish, some consistency, and your visitors won't even have to download an image. Note: It seems the Beta version of the Adamas browser doesn't support internal images.
    Here is how you can access the internal images in your browser:
To get:
Use: <img src=internal-gopher-text>


internal-gopher-text internal-gopher-index
internal-gopher-binary internal-gopher-menu
internal-gopher-movie internal-gopher-sound
internal-gopher-image internal-gopher-telnet
Terry K. Ross
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