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The UNOFFICIAL "I had sex with Bill Clinton" Web Page

Last updated

September 19, 1998

newest entries at bottom of the page.

Now that Gennifer, Paula, and Monica all claim to have had sex with Bill "Bubba" Clinton, it seems that claiming to have done the wild thing with El Presidente is the "in" thing to do. Just a sampling here of those who may (or may not) have "bumped nasties" with the First Citizen....

Speedy, the Alka Selzter boy: "It was 'Plop, plop, fizz, fizz, oh what a relief it is."
O.J. "The Juice" Simpson: "THERE'S where that other glove went!"
Oliver Hardy: "Now look at the fine mess you've gotten me into!"
Rocky Balboa: "Yo! Adrian! I DID IT!!!!"
Capt. James T. Kirk: "To boldly go where no man as gone before!"
Alka Seltzer spokesman (anonymous): " I can't believe I ate the WHOLE thing!"
Colonel Sanders: "Finger licking good!"
The Fonze: "Sit on it!"
Bob Hope: "Thanks for the memories..."
Kate Smith: "God Bless America!"
Ronald McDonald: "You deserve a break today"
The Burger King: "He said to let him have it his way..."
Sally Fields: "He liked me! He REALLY LIKED me!"
Don Corleone: "He made me an offer I couldn't refuse."
Don Ho: "Tiny bubbles...."
Dustin Hoffman: "You're trying to seduce me, aren't you Mister Clinton?"
Phil "The Scooter" Rizzuto: "HOLY COW! He beat out a week dribbler in the infield!"
Marv Albert: "YESSSSS!!!
Mr. T.: "I sho' pity the po' fool!"
HAL-9000: "I'm sorry Bill, I'm afraid I can't do that."
Data: "I am fully functional, and fluent in multiple techniques."
Pinocchio: "Are you lying, or are you just happy to see me?"
Tonto: "Kimosabie, can Tonto wear mask tonight?"
The Lone Ranger: "Heigh-ho Silver! Away!"
Superman: "Up, up, and awayyyy....."
Snow White: "Some day my prince will come..."

Added 2/17/98

Old Blue Eyes: "I did it my wayyyyyy...."
Gomer Pyle: "Shazam! Surprise, surprise, surprise!
Madonna: "Next!"
Edith Anne: "And dats da truth. Pfffftttt!"
Forest Gump: "My Mama said 'Twisted is as twisted does.'"

Added 9/19/98

Groucho Marks/George Burns: "You want to do WHAT with my cigar?!?"
And finally....

Hillary Clinton: "Deny, deny, deny..."

I'm sure you folks have some that you would like to see. Share them with me, and I'll post them here, giving credit (unless you'd like to remain anonymous) where credit (or blame) is due. Please remember though, while satire is necessarily painful to some, let's try to keep everything in the nature of good, playful fun, and not be mean-spirited about things. Send your suggestions to me here... Mailbox Icon
Mail to the author, Raymond Sirois/[email protected]

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