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Senshi wa kami desu yo!!!

Shadow Walkers

     Shadows are an ancient race of elves who were trapped on the Plane Of Shadows for centuries, forced to live there their bodies were warped and transformed by the evil energies that are spawned there.  Now that they have been released from the Plane, and are free to roam about the land, they find that their stay not only transformed their bodies, it has also given them new powers.
     Although most walkers are evil due to the madness caused by the warping of their minds & bodies, a few have remained true to their original elven ways.
  The average walker stands about 4 or 5 feet tall, with a slender build.  Its skin color ranges from light grey to pitch black, hair color is always pitch black.  Their eyes are larger, more beastial looking, like those of some large cat with cat like pupils and colors vary anywhere from golden, to greens, violets and silvers.

Base Movement
+2 Dexterity
-2 Constitution
+2 Intelligence
Enviromental Control - Darkness
Projection - Shadow Clone
Teleport - Shadows Only*
Defect - Unique Sunlight Weakness**

Total Value: 7
Final Cost: 2

* - Same as the Teleport power except may only teleport from one shadow to another.
** - Character suffers vision problems.  Direct sunlight or bright lights blurs the characters vision, effectivly reducing vision to 1/2 normal.

by Azalin4Savior

Site intended to further our understanding and enjoyment of the Guardians Of Order BESM Roleplaying systems.
Website created by Senshi and others who will be mentioned as soon as the contributions are recieved.  ^_^





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