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Senshi wa kami desu yo!!!

 Horse Head

     Standing tall and proud like a human noble the horse head is a race of simular decent like a Centaur but not nearly as powerful or majestic.  Roughly 7' to 8' in height, covered from head to toe in fur ranging from browns to whites and blacks, with the head of a Horse and hooves instead of feet.  This race though semi nomadic tries its best to act and live like nobles and succeeds rather well.  Having an unknown tie to the fey bloodline, they have the strange ability to become incorporeal at will and use it when needed.

Base Movement
+4 Strength
+2 Constitution
-2 Intelligence
-2 Charisma
Alternate Form - Incorporeal

Total Value: 10
Final Cost: 5

by Hillbilly

Site intended to further our understanding and enjoyment of the Guardians Of Order BESM Roleplaying systems.
Website created by Senshi and others who will be mentioned as soon as the contributions are recieved.  ^_^





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