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Senshi wa kami desu yo!!!

Fire Genasi

     Obviously not fully human having mostly human features except one or two of the following:  charcoal grey skin, deep red skin, red or orange hair that waves like flames, eyes that glow when angry, unusually warm skin, large red teeth, always smells like smoke.

Base Movement
+2 Intelligence
-2 Charisma
+1 to Saving Throws vs Fire spells and fire effects, this increases by 1 for every 5 character levels
Control Flame 1/day as per spell as a 5th level sorcerer

Total Value: 4
Final Cost: 1

by Azalin4Savior

Site intended to further our understanding and enjoyment of the Guardians Of Order BESM Roleplaying systems.
Website created by Senshi and others who will be mentioned as soon as the contributions are recieved.  ^_^





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