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Welcome to the d20 BESM Resource site!

Senshi wa kami desu yo!!!


Android (5 CP)
     An android is an artificial life form.  Most times created by man, in many anime androids are presented with human emotion and sometimes face human prejudice because of it.  Because of their mechanical nature they can have many different upgrades and will have access to technological attributes (GM discretion).
     Options for Androids are left wide open.  It is left up to the GM to limit the PC based on what the game is about.  In more powerful settings it may be appropriate to let the PC take Owns Big Mecha to show a "Hyper-mode".  Example: Naomi Armitage (Armitage III), Kitty (Gall Force, the Eternal Struggle), Key (Key, Metal Idol), Ryoko (Tenchi Muyo), and many many more!


+2 Body
-1 Soul
Features - 2 (This attribute will be left up to the PC, and can be traded for more internal attributes such as natural weapon, heightened sences or sensors)
Life Support - 2
Light Armour - 3
Vunerability - 1 (EMP Fields)
Unique Defect: Dosen't Heal Naturally - 2

Bahamut810 (Mike Whitaker)

Site intended to further our understanding and enjoyment of the Guardians Of Order BESM Roleplaying systems.
Website created by Senshi and others who will be mentioned as soon as the contributions are recieved.  ^_^





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