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Senshi wa kami desu yo!!!

 Card Sorcery

Card Sorcery

Cost: 2 Points/Rank
Relevant Ability: Varies
     A card mage can use a special attribute called Card Sorcery. Card sorcery allows the user to create cards that possess magical attributes, much like what can be done with dynamic sorcery. However... the major difference lies in the amount of effort as well as the amount of spells that can be cast by the mage. Whereas someone with Dynamic Sorcery can just cast what they want when they want (using EP of course), the card sorcerer takes the time and painstaking effort to create a work of art on each and every card, then he fuses magic (EP) into it. Each card will take about 2 days to make and fuse magic into, and you must have special paints and cards to paint on.
     He has two options when he uses that card to cast a spell. One, he can pay the EP cost normally when he uses it to cast the spell, thus using the card as a focus to use that spell. The second however, is that he can expend the magic *in the card* to cast the spell. The good thing about this is that it will let you have one more shot of magic if your out of EP, the bad thing is that the card will catch into a harmless fire and turn to ash thus forcing you to get a new card and draw a new picture.

EXAMPLE 1: Bill the Cardiomancer, wants to make a Cantrip card to make his hair change color at will. He takes 2 days out of his busy schedule and carefully details the card, then using the EP he casts the spell initially into the card. Once that is done he has a usable card.

EXAMPLE 2: Bill later decides that he wants to have purple hair today. He takes his card out and focuses on it. He spends the EP to cast the spell, and its cast. The card is ok, as he didn't bend it or anything, so he puts it back in his card case to save for a later use.

EXAMPLE 3: Later Bill has changed his hair so much that he ran out of EP! Deciding that he just *has* to change his hair color one more time, he decided to use his card. He pulls it out, and it burns up. His hair color changes, but he has to start the process again and make a brand new card.

     There is also a limit to how many cards one can have at one time. Spell selection is based on dynamic sorcery, so follow those guidelines there.

Rank 1

One Card at a Time

Rank 2

Two Cards at a Time

Rank 3

Four Cards at a Time

Rank 4

Eight Cards at a Time

Rank 5

Sixteen Cards at a Time

Rank 6

Thirty-Two Cards at a Time!

by Bahamut810 (Mike Whitaker)

Site intended to further our understanding and enjoyment of the Guardians Of Order BESM Roleplaying systems.
Website created by Senshi and others who will be mentioned as soon as the contributions are recieved.  ^_^





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