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Senshi wa kami desu yo!!!

Banjin Neko

     These Neko unlike the others arent civilized, their savage, beastial, bigger, stronger, faster, an excellent warrior.  The Neko slaves were raised and trained in other ways, their cousins however learned to survive on their own in the wild.  To fend for themselves, to kill or be killed and through time their bodies adapted to their surroundings.  Standing taller than their cousins at about 6' 6" at their tallest.  They are covered from head to toe in fur, their head more like a panthers, a long tail grows from their rear, and sharp claws and teeth to fight with.

Base Movement
+2 Strength
+2 Dexterity
+2 Constitution
-2 Intellegence
-2 Charisma
Heightened Senses - Smell
Special Movement - (Cat-Like)
Natural Weapon - Claws/Fangs

Total Value: 6
Final Cost: 1

by Azalin4Savior

Site intended to further our understanding and enjoyment of the Guardians Of Order BESM Roleplaying systems.
Website created by Senshi and others who will be mentioned as soon as the contributions are recieved.  ^_^





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