By Barbara Washington

The first Roadrunner July trip found us picnicking on the banks of the Rio Pueblo at Rob and Beatrice Maynard's mountain cabin.  The drive began at University Mazda where a group of eight Miatas pulled out about 10:00 a.m.  We headed straight for Santa Fe and took the scenic drive through this beautiful, historical city.  A stop at the Dairy Queen in Espanola guaranteed that we would not be famished before reaching our lunch stop.  Our route took us through several small towns including Chimayo, Las Trampas, Penasco and Tres Ritos.

The closer we came to our destination, the more threatening the clouds looked.  Finally, about Sipapu, the rain poured down.  At 8,600'+, the altitude, canyons and mountains combine to create unique weather conditions.  Fortunately, the weather god took pity on our group and settled for intermittent showers after the initial storm.  We managed to dry off the tables and benches before lunch outside.  The grills were a little slow starting in the cold, but they quickly came up to cooking temperature.  After lunch, we drove to the pass a few miles beyond the cabin to admire the view and for a group picture.  Rob and Beatrice accompanied us as far as NM 68 on the return trip.  We traveled out NM518 to NM75, picking up NM68 at the Rio Grande.

The Maynard's cabin and covered porch were roomy enough for us to have shelter when needed.  It is a very comfortable abode with a river in front and a hillside covered with wildflowers in back.  Several varieties of hummingbirds fight for territory around the feeders.  We all understand why Rob and Beatrice use it so much.  We have been invited back next summer and we look forward to the trip.  Thank you, Rob and Beatrice.  You were gracious hosts and terrific trip leaders.

The second day-drive in July was to Jemez Falls.  We were unable to accompany the group, but we understand a good time was had by all.  A little rain dampened the day, but the group was able to locate a sheltered area so they could enjoy the lunch.

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