Vital Statistics

Vital Statistics

Heh, I guess these aren't so "vital" but it sounds cool anyways. This is just a list.... I'll deal with CONTENT first, THEN making it look nice, way it SHOULD be.

Name: Nelly Cung

Birthday: 02-06-80 C.E.

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

Compatible Zodiac Signs: Aries and Gemini

Height: 157.48 cm

Weight: 61.69 kg

Blood type: O

Eye Color: brown, with a nice charcoal black center...

Weapons: My mouth and fists, 'nuff said!

Other names: Nez, Cungus (Fungus), Nel, The War Machine, Karate Kid, Nez77, Double077, 'hey you!,' Bulma, BulmaVegeta, Mrs. Vegeta, 'mother,' and some things that I can't mention here.... can't deteriorate those innocent minds out there! (yeah yeah, so a few I gave to myself)

Favorite Phrases: heh, ha, ho, hehe, feh, MWAHAHAHA, PUAHAHA, BWAHAHAH, 'I have my ways,' 'You should know better than to oppose me,' 'Stupid biped/human,' 'This is just too easy,' 'Do I need a reason for everything I do?' (doncha love my attitude??)

Academic Preference: Physics, Music, and Economics.

Musical Preference: Pretty much tolerate anything. Classical, New Age, and soundtracks (especially musical scores)

Interests: Anime/Manga, drawing, kicking butt, taking names, and conquering the world! :o)

Occupation: Student and a know-it-all.

Favorite color: black... it's my favorite HUE... screw colors!

Favorite Quotation: "There are not 50 ways of winning, only one, to conquer."

Favorite TV shows: X-files, Dragonball Z, Sailor Moon, and BLOOMBERG NEWS!!!!!!

Favorite Food: If it's edible, I probably like it.

Favorite Sport: To play- Tennis; To watch- Ice Hockey

Favorite NHL team: Detroit Red Wings

Favorite thing to do on the weekend: kick butt, take names, and conquering the world!! (but I do that 24/7 anyway)

Favorite punchline to a joke: "HAHAHAHAHA" 1

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