Please, Please Save The Whales!

I am 59 years old,divorced and have three children and four grandchildren. In 1997, I heard about the Makah tribe, from Washington State, that has been given the right to kill whales beginning Oct '98. I was devastated by the news and wrote and recorded a song called Please Please Save Me. I have never written anything as beautiful and moving as this, and the reason for the song is to get the word out to all of you in hopes that we can stop the killings and save the whales.

Whaling is on the increase all over the world and it needs to be stopped. I need help from everyone out there who loves the whales as much as I do. Over 3,000 whales will be killed this year and only WE can stop it. In the future, I want my grandchildren to see the whales in their natural habitat instead of an aquarium. They deserve the right to be free as all living things should be. It is very important we get responses, back to the whaling commission. Please write me, and I will forward these messages to them. Thank you for your assistance in helping me save the whales. [email protected] Sincerely, Diane Forbes

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