My Italian Uniforms

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Summer dress uniform Officers uniform of the Regia Marina Italiana for a Sottotenente di Vascello of the 1930's. It has 4 ribbons(from left to right): Croce al valore militare, Croce al merito di guerra, Medaglia d'onore per lunga navigazione and WWII medal with 2 stars on it which means 2 years of war operations.Unfortunately I'm missing the epaulettes. Modern winter uniform for a Capitano di Vascello. It has two rows of ribbons(f.l.t.r):medaglia per lunga navigazione silver, medaglia per paracadutismo 15 yrs, cross for 25 yrs service,cross for operations in Gulf war, cross for peace op. in Lebanon and medal for the operations in former Yugoslavia. Above all the ribbons there are the following pins: COMSUBIN, BSM, Arditi Incursori(brevet) and Palombari(brevet). On the other side Parachuting patent Quite old Navy uniform of a Capitano di Fregata. It is dated 1973. The two ribbons on it are medaglia di lunga navigazione bronze and cross for 25 yrs service. Summer kaki service uniform of a Chief Warrant Officer ADC. It has the COMSUBIN badge  and Arditi Incursori brevet on the left side and the parachuting brevet on the other side. 
Summer dress uniform for Warrant Officers of the 1970's(this one is dated 1974). The rank on this one is Capo di 2^classe which corresponds to a Warrant Officer 2nd class. It has 3 ribbons and the COMSUBIN badge. The ribbons are from left to right: medal for long navigation bronze, cross for long service and cross for peace operations. The COMSUBIN badge is given to all the personnell who served for a period at COMSUBIN. Sailors summer dress uniform of a Sottocapo(Corporal)with the category S.D.I. which stands for Servizio Difesa Installazioni (Establishments Defence Service). These sailors receive a special drilling at the Battaglione S.Marco to do this duty, thats why they wear the S. Marco's lion on their sleeves. On the right side of the uniform there is a civil parachuting brevet.  This was MY uniform when I served in the Italian Navy!!
It's a sailors winter half season(white T-shirt) dress uniform. As you may have understood I served at the Comando Raggruppamento Subacquei ed Incursori, better known as COMSUBIN. Therefore I also had the COMSUBIN badge on my uniform, beneath there are category and specialization badges. My rank was Comune di 1^classe(Private 1st class).On the cap I had the writing "GRUPPO TESEO TESEI". 
Operative uniform of the Arditi Incursori with metallic ranks of a Tenente di Vascello and cloth parachuting brevet. Once these uniforms where used even for real operations but nowadays they use them only for cerimonies or special events as they prefer the camo uniforms which are obviously more functional.
Camo uniform of a Secondo Capo(Sergeant Major) of the Arditi Incursori with cloth parachuting brevet on the right breast pocket and the new model sleeve patch. Camo uniform of a cadet of the "Scuola Incursori"(Arditi Incursori school). It is completed by the dark green cloth cap and the sleeve patch of the "Scuola Incursori". They attend a 13 months course and then they get their brevet, afterwards they have another 6 months supplementing course beginnig to take part at some missions(which are much more than the Newspaper say)gaining their personal experience.After 2 or 3 yrs they can be called "Incursori". Operative uniform of the divers unit of the Italian Navy. It is worn by the "Palombari" as well as by the "Sommozzatori". It is completed with the red silk neck sweatband the nationality sleeve patch, the writings MARINA MILITARE and shoulder rank insignia for an ADC.
This uniform is used with the same criteria of the operative uniform of the Arditi Incursori, that is to say only by particulary cerimonies.
This uniform of the "Battaglione S.Marco" calls back to the mid 1970's until the early 1980's. It has the old black beret with the old metallic badge in use until december 1983, old sleeve rank chevrons of a Sergente and the old olive drab wool cloth fatigues. Even the jacket is no more in use at the S.Marco, these jackets are now given to the S.D.I sailors I mentioned before.
Air Force dress uniform of a Sergente Maggiore(Sergeant). It has two rows of ribbons which are (f.l.t.r.): 16 yrs service cross, Albany rescue mission, Gulf war mission and one I still wasn't able to identify. On the right breast pocket it has a parachuting brevet.  Service dress uniform of a Generale di Divisione(Major General).It has above the right breast pocket the parachuting brevet. On the left there are two rows of ribbons, above them there is the badge of the Stato Maggiore(General Staff), on the pocket there is the "Scuola di Guerra"(War school) badge.The ribbons are f.l.t.r.: Commendatore dell'Ordine al merito della Repubblica Italiana, Medaglia Mauriziana dei 10 lustri militari, long command medal, 40 yrs service cross, commemorative medal of the recue in Friuli after the earthquake.  Dress uniform of a Sottotenente (2nd Leutenant) of the Medicl Corps of the 1950/60's. The collar tabs are still the old model made of fine dark red velvet, nowadays those tabs are made in cheap enammelled metal.
Unfortunately I'm missing its original shirt, tie and cap.
(gift of dott.Guido D'avanzo)
Service uniform of a Sottotenente(2nd Leutenant) of the Medical Corps of the 1950/1960's. These woolen service uniforms where introduced to the Italian Army in the immediate after war times as soon as the Italian Army was re-established. They are clearly on British inspiration, apetty that I do not have its original garrison cap, shirt and tie!
(gift of dott.Guido D'avanzo)
Service and BDU uniform of the Italian Army in use until the end of the 1980's when they introduced the camo uniforms. It has shoulder ranks for a Caporale (Private 1st class)
Modern summer kaki service uniform (S.E.K.) of a Capitano di Vascello. It is decorated with the COMSUBIN badge and the BSM badge also beneath it there is a brevet for Palombari. The ribbons are from left to right and from the higher row to the lower row: Cavaliere dell'Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana, Croce Mauriziana, Honor meadla for long navigation silver, medal for long parachuting activity 15yrs, cross for 25 yrs service, cross for Gulf War operations, medal for merits in the Persian Gulf operations during 1987-88, cross for peace operations, Kuwait medal. Actual Navy summer dress uniform of a Secondo Capo with the cathegory "Incursore". This is a rather new uniform as the cap already sports the new kind of chinstrap introduced in 1994. will be added soon!... ...this too.
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