armorweb.gif (9076 bytes)

barbras.gif (1676 bytes)

star_gol.gif (100 bytes) Wanna know how the armored warfare developed during WWII in each country ? Or, maybe, you are interested in benchmarkings ? And how about nice pictures and icons ? 

Well, you are just one click away from your place ! Warm up your mouse and leave for ...

ww2tank.gif (4479 bytes)

star_gol.gif (100 bytes) I'm Italian and proud of it ! That's why I have prepared an entire section of my AWS focused on the Carristi (the Italian Tankers), those gallant soldiers too often neglected, understated or even derided   for the poor quality of their vehicles. But remember, you desk warriors and you, historians with your pipes, slippers and armchair: one needed a lot of guts to ride such deadly traps and go to meet his fate ! Here you will find the history of the Italian Tank Corps and a lot of stuff on the Italian tanks during WWII (a topic not often available). If you are a curious person and you are not an anti-"Iti" bigot, I'm sure you will enjoy to read about ...

thosema1.gif (10049 bytes)

star_gol.gif (100 bytes)  An "armored site" can be considered a "comprehensive armored site" only if one can find there, in addition to "tanks", also Armoured Cars, Self Propelled Platforms, and other...
I want my site to be a "comprehensive" site, that's why I have a page which says :

star_gol.gif (100 bytes)  Have you ever heard of Little Willie ? Do you know why tanks are called tanks ? Do you know that they had a "gender" ? "Desert Fox" it's easy...but heve you ever heard of  Fridolin von Senger und Etterlin. He wasn't bad at all ! OK. It's not Lewis Carroll's, but I'm happy because once I was "A Tanker in Wonderland".

This is just a sample of what you can get from my page of ...

armtriv.gif (6047 bytes)

    star_gol.gif (100 bytes)   Before leaving the Armored Web Site, can you tell me ...

Wherehav.gif (3388 bytes) Flowgone.gif (3770 bytes)

ext3476.jpg (12253 bytes)

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Last update : July 20, 1998

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