SR-71 Blackbird aka RS-71 Blackbird aka A12

SR-71 Blackbird is the black bird whom we own our lives. And why's that ? Because it was the plane to stop at least two nuclear conflicts during the 1960s and 1970s, which if would have happened, could have killed all life on Earth... more fact to add to the saying that spy-planes stop wars before they even begin...

SR-71 Blackbird comes from the Skunk Works Division of Lockheed Martin, where its production was ordered by CIA in the 1950s. Designated RS-71 Blackbird, its name was mis-spelled by president John F. Kennedy in one of his speaches, where it first presented the plane to the public opinion. President Kennedy inverted out of mistake the designated RS letters to SR, so the new name stuck. And so the SR-71 Blackbird was born

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Lockheed Martin SR-71 Blackbird
For 40 years, this bird watched over the world peace, as well as gathering precious intelligence for the americans in their series of wars around the globe.
Shot at over 1,000 times, no aircraft has ever been shot down
sr71_1.jpg 800x612x24b, 55.2kb real size click the pic for real size
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