Our Italian Caps

Aviation Officers cap.Still in regulation

Aviation cap for enlisted men.Still in regulation

An old cap of the end of the 50's or the mid 60's for an Air Force Colonel.No more in regulation

An old cap for a Warrant Officer 1st class(Maresciallo Capo) of the Air Force.No more in regulation

A pretty old Army officer's cap of the early 70's (Tenente).No more in regulation (Gift of Mr. Giuseppe Perale)

Army General's cap cap(Generale di Divisione).Still in regulation

A pretty old Army cap of the early 70's of the mechanized infantry for the evening dress uniform.No more in regulation.(gift of General Sandro Schiavi)

Navy Admiral's cap(Contrammiraglio).Still in regulation

Navy Officers cap.Still in regulation (Gift of Admiral Ione Giummo)

Navy junior Officers hat(Guardiamarina=Ensign/Midshipman).Still in regulation

Navy junior officers hat for Aspirante Guardiamarina.This cap belonged to my brother when he was that rank.Still in regulation

Navy Warrant Officers cap for ADC.Still in regulation

Navy WO's 2nd class cap (Capo di 2^classe).No more in regulation because it has the black leather chinstrap. Now golden straps with black stripe crossing through are in use.

Navy cap for Sergente and Secondo Capo, which corresponds to about a Sergeant and a Sergeant major.Still in regulation(gift of Capo 1^cl.(In) Alfredo Turco)

Alpini Officers hat.Still in regulation

Officer's cap of the Alpini artillery.Still in regulation

Enlisted men hat for the Alpini.Still in regulation

The "Moretto" of the Bersaglieri corp, this hat is standard for soldiers, enlisted and officers.Only the number of feathers changes, there are 300, 500, 680;this is a 500.Still in regulation

Beret of the light aviation of the Italian Army(Aviazione Leggera dell'Esercito).Still in regulation

A partroopers beret.Still in regulation

Navy beret of the "Palombari" and "Sommozzatori", the divers unit of the Italian Navy which belongs to COMSUBIN.Still in regulation

Navy beret for the Italian Navy Seals, the "Arditi Incursori" which obviously belong to COMSUBIN.This one looks old but it has no more than 15 years! Still in regulation

Navy beret of the "Battaglione S.Marco" with the old badge in use until december 1983.The beret is black. No more in regulation

Navy beret of the "Battaglione S.Marco" with the new badge in use since december 1983 and dark blue cloth.Still in regulation

This is my cap when I was in the Navy!! I served at the Raggruppamento Subacquei e Incursori "Teseo Tesei" in La Spezia, better known as COMSUBIN.Still in regulation

Very new sailor cap.Still in regulation (Gift of Admiral Ione Giummo)

Old sailor cap.No more in regulation

Sailor cap for the students of the Naval Accademy in Livorno(gift of my brother Marco).Still in regulation

Very old Navy NCO cap of the late 40's early 50's.No more in regulation (Gift of Mr. Mauro Trevenzoli)

An old Army service cap of the late 50's.No more in regulation (Gift of Mr. Geo Monti)

Very old Officer(Captain) cap of the Italian army of the 30's, the black cover shows us that it's a 1934 model.No more in regulation

An old fez of the "Repubblichini".No more in regulation

Army tankers helmet of the mid 50's or so. No more in regulation

Very new police cap for enlisted men.Still in regulation

A very new Customs cap for enlisted men.Still in regulation

Customs cap for the sea going units of this Corp.Still in regulation

This is a helmet of the Venetian city police which is obviously no more in regulation (Gift of Mr. Igor Silic)

The same as above but in winter version.No more in regulation

Old cap from the middle 40's, immediately after the end of WWII, for enlisted men of the Carabinieri.No more in regulation

Old cap for enlisted men of the Carabinieri.No more in regulation

Cap for Maresciallo Capo (Warrant Officer 1st class) of the mid 70's.No more in regulation

This is a rather old cap for NCOs of the Carabinieri.No more in regulation(Gift of Admiral Ione Giummo)

Rather new cap for NCOs of the Carabinieri.Still in regulation

Carabinieri Officers cap.Still in regulation

Enlisted men cap of the Carabinieri.Still in regulation

Cerimonial hat for the enlisted men of the Carabinieri, unfortunately without plumes.Still in regulation(gift of Mr. Enrico Baratelli)

See other caps

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