THE TECHNIQUE This is the way I learned to do petit point. It is a truly beautiful technique but has somewhat gone out of style.
1--Pick a smooth piece of china. Box tops, plaques and large jewelry pieces work the best.
PREPARING YOUR PIECE 2--Cover the china with nylon net (very fine net works the best) I think they call it bridal illusion. Pull the net tightly over your piece and secure tightly. I twist the net on the back side of the china and use either a rubber band or a needle and thread and secure it so it doesn't slip. I also wrap the thread around the net several times to be sure it won't slip.
MAKING THE PETIT POINT 3--Using any size deerfoot stippler brush cover the net with paint. Use 2 parts of white matt paint and 1 part powdered sugar mixed with water to cover the net. A short bristled brush works best if you don't have a deerfoot stippler. Apply the paint thinly. Let dry 15 minutes. Test to see if set. If set, remove the net, carefully so as not to disturb the paint, you should be able to start at one corner and just lift the net up off your piece. If paint comes off, you have applied it too thick, wipe off or rinse off under water and start again. Be sure your net is good and dry if you start over. The paint should look even when the net is removed. Do not touch the paint with your fingers as the moisture in your hands will remove the paint.
FIRING YOUR PIECE 4-- Fire at 018.
WHEN THE PIECE IS COOL 5--Lightly sand your piece and give it a wash of white matt paint, don't fire this. Paint your design over wet white matt paint. Use matt paints for a very dull finish or use regular china paints for some shine to the piece.
NEXT FIRE 6--Fire at 019. to be sure to get the dull finish.

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