By Thelma H. Nunez

This is another short article from my library.
BACKGROUND FOR ARTICLE All the kitchen ware today is so pretty, being decorated at the factory. Down here in New Orleans we all like strong dripped coffee and are always ready to stop and have a cup. Of course, having the pot ready at all times just gives us an excuse to stop work a few minutes. I decided to try to make our pots a little prettier since they sit on the stove all the time.
I had a job finding them in quantity as they aren't manufactured as much as they once were. There are too many new fancy ones on the market. The local hardware stores are the best source of supply for them.
FIRING I fire them to cone 022 and have been very successful. Remove all wood and metal parts, such as knobs and handles before firing. Also, remember these pieces must be stilted as they are enameled on the bottom.
DECORATING I decorated my pots with designs for mushrooms taken from the childrens's "How and Why Book of Mushrooms and Ferns" and the Time Life Nature Library book of "Plants". They are really bright and colorful. Paint them using all the reds, yellows, yellow browns and browns. The ridges and bumps are wiped out just as you wipe out highlights on your china. The vegetables were taken from seed catalogs. These were painted as close to nature as possible using any of your china colors from your palette.
I had been told by many that the blues and purple wouldn't mature too well, but I didn't find it so. I have some butterflies that were painted with blues, purples, greens and reds and yellows and they all matured beautifully at cone 022. Experiment with your colors. I had field day trying all the beautiful shades.
PUTTING DESIGN ON YOUR WARE The designs can be traced on or sketched on with a carbon pencil. You follow the same procedures as when you are painting on china. I am now painting on the colored enamel ware and the golden yellow, bright orange and light blue pieces are lovely. Use the same china colors. The effect is very pretty. None of the colors seem to change on the colored ware. Friends have enjoyed these so much I can say I have a mushrooming business. Just a pun. Try these fun things sometime when you want a change from regular china painting.
This is again from my library as obviously it has the author listed at the beginning of the article.

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