THE HIERARCHY OF MESSAGEBOARDS..with their thumbs up their asses.
See: Ninja Chat & Death Watch...maybe even the Asylum at sometimes, but only exceptional. But the FLH Board and Those bitches.
Article by OleMurder...if you didn't knew?

Ow, well, who doesn't know messageboards?... And their up-built hierarchy against...what? They forget the point.
Tell you what. People these days, drive their messageboards like concentraction lairs. (Quoting Scroe, ain't I?) But even he agrees with
those wannabe-mafias of the net, these days. Open mindness' a fluke, and people "dispose" of their enemies like they where driving organized crime.
Time for me to cock the hammer back, and put two in. But there is some good things about this very usual found
(except for maybe, Ray Bradbury's forums, that's why.. the philosopher's site.. huh? Such as Ray Bradbury's site... maybe?
That everybody suck each and every others dick. Why? Because all gain of it. Guess like it's my experience to know stuff like this.
Like a long term net-relationship gives people higher "ranks" and "bonuses"....
(such as post counts, power, moderator & admin, respect, funky titles, avatars, signatures, made just for you, and of course, stars and stripes. Heh!)

These morons think it's a military thing, with a few dictators on the top and a lot of dick munchers below. I.e? Guests suck Registrated users dick,
Registrated users suck post whore's dick, post whore's suck respect user's dick, respected users suck known member's dick, and known members become
moderators because of that, Moderators continue to suck admins dick, Admins suck up the PHP and moderators become admins, and then delete the whole board because they want revenge 'cuz they didn't ge their power from the start on. Idiots! Then the owner comes like, WHAT?

Hah, you're fault. Dictators suck. Now, let me be honest with you. I'm going to list roles in messageboards and what they do. Here we go;


This is usually the guy or gal who owns the forum, and founded it rom the start, everybody looks up to the paranoid, responsible taking, powerful dictator self. The ultimate forum ego it is, just \tab beware the Messageboard owner thinks he/she can control all, see all, and fuck around with everybody when they want, and thanks to \tab admins, it remains a silent case, so they never get reported to their \tab ISP. Besides, even if they very often online, and everybody sucks \tab the owner's dick, they're never around when the board really fucks \tab up, either from an attack by morons, or greed and chaos erupts \tab from their lesser members who can't cope with the possibilites of \tab PHP. Owners are, in a nutcase, an lawful evil force, who always gets \tab away with being a tyrant as long as they follow "the rules.


The Super Admin's maybe even worse. However, the super admin doesn't need to suck the owner's dick anymore, since he got almost all power he can get, except maybe the ownership of the site. The super admin hopes to act good enough (even though, fake) to someday, when the owner retires, get offered to take over the board. The super admin wants to take all under his or her's banner, and mostly is willing to take that sacrifice in a cunning way. The super admin is utterly corrupt, and has it's own agenda, besides doing 'the forums best,' the super admin is, well, neutral evil. He don't care about law breakers though; Actually he often allies with enemies of the board to bring the owner down and crown him/her/self. But the super admin doesn't still look good upon potentional foes, which the super admin knocks down, and excuses him/herself to have been doing the good thing, to the public relations, and the super admin hires lesser admins to his cause, except from being an total asshole who's high on himself.


The under admin is mostly the lacket of the super admin, and the under admin most be the biggest cock sucker of them all. All the under admin wants is to be super admin, like the one over him, and usually there are more than one of them. They want to accomplish the same as the super admin, and have ways to get pushed further to the top. The under admin stands for organizing chief moderators n' stuff, so they can do all the shit work for him. As the access whore the under admin is, he uses the moderators to in secret sabotage for respected members of the forum who runs to the super admin to protest, who again takes the invidual as an potenional threath to their (his/hers) reign in power. All in all, that's what an under admin is; the most pathetic version of an admin, which is, a corrupted slave.


The chief moderator, he/she must be one of the most brutal peoples driving things. They mess things up, in the favor of their superiors. Like; Pretending to be nice, editing posts to fuel the hate for the message board, deleting posts to be annoying & hide the hate on a secret place, just to anger people to continue flaming. The Most chief moderators say they try to stop the dissing on the forums, well, truth is; They actually try to hold the pressure of the hissing angry masses so mutch they become even more provoked, then release their anger so all the enemies of the message board runs rampant and fucks the bandwith up, just because the chief moderator had to be an dick everyday. Besides than that, only good thing the chief moderator does, is that he/she get to have an army of idling moderators under his/her command.


The lesser moderator nearly always idle. Except when there winds up trouble, the moderator comes and try to "repair" it, but ends up breaking it. You know the rule; "If ain't wrong, then don't fix it." But these people don't care. They look for every possible case. If someone fights about a banana being yellow or green, they overrate the conflict overall: locks the topic, gives them a warning, calls the chief moderator, who blocks their ip, makes a big fuss about it, then ends up with the satisfying feeling of making all problems out of nothing, and the chief moderator pats his little dick muncher on the head and says; "Ho ho ho! You have been a good boy! You have solved another problem!" And then the lesser moderator goes on making up shit and pulling it out of his or hers ass, all the while visitors fell victims for the paranoia of the lesser moderator...which "solves" problems s/he makes.


Ah, the always respected, loved, happy, giggling, overrated member. There is a lot of this type, and they all think everybody likes them. In fact, nobody can let them down, 'cuz everybody really do! However, they whould still think so even if haters breaked their false apperance. Members like these believe they have more power than other, lower members, who're not as mutch as liked, or even grey and anonyme. The only power the respected members inhabits is to suck the dick of theri superiors, kiss ass, and agree with everything, screwing their way to the top. These members have big tedency to end up as a Chief Moderator. Some of these "respected members" rant alot in caps, type "U" and "R" and "I C" and of course, "LOL". Makes me sick. This is the haters worst nightmare, since they always get away with doing shit., the member competes with an corrupt moderator to make an hate topic to a lesser member on the forum, and they cooperate so that the moderator removes the topic before the admins see it, or the victim sees it. Bah, or they always cry like a little bitch and gives the blame on everybody else. I.e., all in all, a social parasite drama bluffer, who everyone except 'the others' seems to like... But they don't exist in his/her mindless blissfull ignorantic mind.


AH, this class is a known case. While lthey don't suck their superiors dicks at all, they are the prime goals and victims of the powerful boards Prop-Agenda.\fs18 Since they usually \fs20 lacks the ability of fighting back, some of these members are considered losers, who actually have nothing to lose, and then becomes haters for many reasons, that they think it's a rival cause of THEIR board, again. Idlers posts mutch or little in a fixed period, then stops posting again, lower members don't care, new members are always a little outside and giggling like fucking virgins, visitors who only comes once in a blue moon, or whatever.


Hail to the Hater.May be the only "real" class in the whole hierarchy, the Hater isn't really a part of it. The hater is the only real uninfluenced invidual in the whole role, and practiseses anotherf form for freedom than the men or wimen in charge, because these burn away illusions made. Or, the haters may be spammers and flooders hired from other cubes of isolated forums where they breed hoaxes like chickens in a pen...

So my conclusion is, everyone in this hierarchy works out each other. The messageboard owner believes in blind loyality, the super admin works for him/her/self behind his/hers neck, the admins corruptly follow the super admins will, but just to get permission to use moderators screwing the machinry up. While usually this system works for a while, it has it's leaks.. blah blah, and so on. So to the shout outs where deleted because of meaningless hate. Heheheh.

And as for you Juggaluggalo, here is a special part devoted to you... as I promised, you where going to be mentioned in my article, YES! Ain't that cute? Happy now?.. SAY CHEESE! That's a nice attention whore, you got mentioned in my article! Hehehiiahaha, wasn't it that you wanted? Thanks for asking, bye! Heh, I'm just kiddin'; Playin' fuck nuts... Anyways.. Hope you learned by this.. To everybody else.. A forum is not a military camp.. Don't kiss ass.. It isn't about recruits, veterans, or generals.. be yourself.. Don't agree with people just because they are big, or say things cool.. Or hate newcomers because they aren't in charge.......That's just waiting for somebody to say things cool enough so you can reveal your real opinion, or other way around.. Anyways.. I'm out.. SEE YA!


[email protected]
Wicked WiZardZ

God, I hate messageboards.

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