(1926) (UFA)

Emil Jannings
G�sta Ekman
Camilla Horn



The Web of Murnau has the plot synopsis of Faust here.

* Emil Jannings and G�sta Ekman flying on Mephistopheles' cloak (U-5. S)
* Production shot. Makeup applied to Jannings as he stands over the miniature village.(U-5. P)
* Emil Jannings looming gigantically over the village below (H-1. S)
* Unidentified actor and the 'old' Faust glaring at each other. (H-1. S)
* Gretchen (Camilla Horn) in a garden surrounded by a ring of children. (H-1. S)
* Jannings as Faust, batlike. (H-1. S)

NOTES:Hans Kyser wrote the screenplay, based on the work by Goethe. Carl Hoffman was the cameraman. Sets were designed by Robert Herlth and Walter R�hrig.

Der Flug um den Erdball
(1925) (UFA)

Ellen Richter
Willy Wolff




* Ellen Richter and Willy Wolff embrace in a garden(U-5. S)

NOTES:English title: The Flight Around the Earth. Ellen Richter was producer of, and diva in, her own films, and was reputed to never make a movie that didn't involve expensive trips abroad. Her husband, Willi Wolff, created the 'world-travel film'.

FP #1
(1932) (UFA)

Conrad Veidt
Leslie Fenton
Jill Esmond


English version
Sinister Cinema

SOUND. Major Drodt's best friend, Captain Ellissen(Veidt), decides to help his friend get his designs for a floating platform noticed by industry. He breaks into the shipyyard where the plans have been languishing. Thanks to this publicity, the shipyard owners take a close look at the plans and decide to build the platform. In accomplishing this, Ellissen meets Claire Lennartz, 1/3 owner of the shipyard, and they have a 'thing'. But Ellissen is a pilot first last and always, and when given the opportunity to be the first to make a non-stop flight round the world he grabs it. Unfortunately, the non-stop flight...stops. This is Ellissen's first failure and he takes it hard. He does not return to civilization for two years, with the intent of settling down with Claire.

Unfortunately, in these two years Claire has fallen in love with Captain Drost who has been busy building his floating platform despite attempts at sabotage. At last the platform is open for business, but the saboteur makes a final move, incapacitating everyone on the platform with a gas and opening the floodvalves. Ellissen and Claire make a flight to the platform, where Ellissen discovers that he's now the third and least important part of the triangle. He reacts badly for a while, then thinks better of it and makes another daring flight to bring help to the crippled platform. He parachutes into the ocean in front of a ship (filled with explorers) which picks him up, and changes course for the platform. They bring the tools necessary to restore power to the platform. Ellissen remains on the ship, ready to help them go in search of condors, ...if they ask him nicely.

* Publicity still - the three Major Ellissens (Vedit, Albers, Boyer) standing on the platform(C-5. P)
* Closeup of Veidt wearing his flying helmet (C-5. P)

NOTES:Three versions of this flm were made, each using the same sets, same director, but a different cast. Floating Platform 1 starred Conrad Veidt, FP1 Antwortet Nicht starred Hans Albers, and the French version starred Charles Boyer.

FP #1 Antwortet Nicht
(1932) (UFA)

Hans Albers



SOUND. See English version above.

* Peter Lorre as Sunshine in The Complete Films of Peter Lorre

NOTES:Peter Lorre played the photographer, Sunshine (a small role) in this German version (available from The Conrad Veidt Library).

Frauen sind doch bessere Diplomaten
(1941) (UFA)

Marika R�kk
Karl Stepanek

DIRECTOR:Georg Jacoby



* Long shot of dancers on stage. (U-5. S)

NOTES: English title Women Really Do Make Better Diplomats. UFAs first major color film. Filming began in late July, 1939. (When the Wehrmacht invaded Poland, the movie had been filming for more than a month). Thanks to ministerial interference, it became one of the most expensive films made at Ufa during the late thirties/early forties. In the end the film was a colossal failure.

Karl Stepanek had an important supporting role. Well known for his portrayal of people of color, Stepanek was declared persona non grata by the Propaganda Ministry (in part because he'd gone to London to give a radio talk, when the big brass reopened filming) his scenes were removed from the screen and reshot with actor Erich Fiedler - which ate up an additional 500,000 marks. Premiered in Berlin in the Capitol am Zoo on October 31, 1941. (The same reference work that called it a colossal failure also says that by November 1944 it had earned 7.9 million marks, almost three times its production costs. (The UFA Story - see Bibliography)

Der Fremde Vogel
(1911) ()

Asta Nielsen
Grete Karsten
Louise Ralph




* Eugenie Werner, Hans Mierendorrf, Carl Clewing, Asta Nielsen, Grete Karsten, Louise Ralph seated at an outdoor table. (S-5. S).


Fridericus Rex
(1923) (Cserepy-Fim/
for UFA)


DIRECTOR:Reinhold Sch�nzel



* Otto Gebuhr staring down at unidentified actor (U-5. S)

NOTES:A four part movie, which gave the Weimar Republic its first major political film scandal. The film has often been cited to prove that from its beginning UFA was an instrument of the nationalistic right. The first two parts, Sturm und Drang and Vater und Sohn premiered on January 31, 1922 in the Ufa-Palast am Zoo. In March 1923 came Sannsouici and . Otto Geb�r had played Frederick in Carl Boese's 1919 film Die T�nzerin Barberina as well.

Fredrich Schiller,
The Triumph of a Genius
(1940) (Tobis)

Horst Caspar
Heinrich George

DIRECTOR:Herbert Maisch



* Horst Caspar and Heinrich George.(W-1. S)

NOTES:. Script by W. Wasserman and C.H. Hiller. Although the script contains lines that can be construed as anti-Nazi, the film was passed by their censors because they viewed it as an analogy of a political genius (Hitler) struggling for German freedom against the Weimar Republic.

F�rst Woronzeff
(1934) (UFA)

Brigitte Helm
Albrecht Schoenhals

DIRECTOR:Arthur Robison



* Albrecht Schoenhals and Brigitte Helm in a sailboat. (B-5. S)
(1933) Publicity shot. Brigitte Helm. (B-5. S)

NOTES:English title Prince Woronzeff. Berlin premiere October 2, 1934. German version of Le secret des Woronzeff which starred Helm and Jean Marat.

Citations in green refer to books where additional photos/stills of the person can be found. The id #'s correspond to the Bibliography page.

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